13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Publix to Test New Digital Coupon Program

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Mobile applications and digital offerings. Both were commonthemes shared by retailers and manufactures alike at the 2012 Food MarketingInstitute trade show this month in Dallas, TX.  Corresponding with another common themeoutlined by Chain Store Guide thisyear, marketers are going to great lengths to enhance the customer experienceand ultimately drive sales.
This summer, Lakeland, FL-based Publix Super Markets willtest a digital couponing initiative that could change the way grocery shoppersget discounts. The system (in its test phase) works as customers go online to acoupon publisher or Publix.com and set up a distinct membership code or PublixID.  From there, the customer can choosewhich coupons to ‘clip’ and they would be uploaded into an account. At thecheckout counter the customer enters their phone number into the credit swipemachine. The register reads the uploaded coupons on the account thatcorresponds with the purchased products and automatically deducts the savings.
The program could be especially beneficial to mobile users,working in real-time as they shop grocery aisles and get coupons using thisprogram right from their handheld device. While there’s no indication that this new initiative will be rolled outacross all Publix stores, the concept is somewhat new to the industry andcertainly one to take notice of. Retailers and manufacturers - as well as the coupon publishers - relishnew digital systems such as this.  Themain benefit is efficiency as the digital coupons are customized by theindividual user and obviously do not have to be printed on actual paper.
Other retailers, such as Winn-Dixie and CVS, have been usingloyalty cards to distribute coupons based on customer purchasing data foryears. Digital couponing, however, helps to reduce fraud and takes consumerpurchasing data to a new level of collection. 

Best Buy's New Direction?

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One fine morning, three weeks ago, a colleague visited myoffice with some startling news.  BestBuy had announced the sudden resignation of homegrown CEO Brain Dunn.  Another colleague happened by, heard the newsand began the natural speculation of just what might have happened to bringthis shocker about. 
Having no information other than essentially the headline,we respectively assumed that recent very troubling financials and a fewheadline grabbing corporate flubs (noted here in recent Discount Insightstitled,  Fright Before Christmas, Best Buy’s Fight After Christmas, and Best Buy’s Final Frontier?) were theprime causes of the CEO’s ‘resignation’. The most alarming of these severe missteps was the last-minute,prior-to-Christmas delay in announcing the company’s inability in fulfilling onlineorders made in November and December, beginning with orders placed as far backas Black Friday.     
Later that morning the headlines exploded, revealing that indeedDunn had left under the cloud of an ongoing investigation into his personalconduct involving corporate funds and a personal/professionalrelationship.   Surprise upon surprise asthe troubled retailer’s board was tasked to determine who and what were thebest drivers to steer the company through its murky near-term gauntlet of a future. 
As it turns out, the board’s first decision was to navigatethrough a seemingly overcrowded minefield of possibilities to determine whichcourses are best to follow to find the next CEO.  Before doing this, this disparate group mustconsider a multitude of options as to how to strategically right the company’sship unless they decide to throw all such determinations on the plate of thenext CEO.        
Brian Dunn was the prototypical American success story.  Mr. Dunn began his career with Best Buy as astore sales associate in 1985, when the company operated only a dozenstores.  Within four years he became astore manager and a year later he was made a district manager in Minnesota.  All this as he was barely thirty withouthaving attended university.
In June 2009, Dunn was named a company director and replacedBrad Anderson as CEO.  Like manyretailers at the time, the company was stung by the horrors of the recession,Best Buy’s only national brick and mortar competitor, Circuit Cityhad just liquidated and most analysts expected Best Buy to pick up the spoils.  However, with chillingly  typical tone deafness, Best Buy stores didlittle to overtly attract the throngs of shoppers who no longer had a Circuit City option.  Many of its stores offered meek signageoffering Circuit City ex-pats the obvious option of visitingthe service counter for any electronics that required repair. 
Shortly after this, expansion minded hhgregg announced theywould honor Circuit City extended warrantees as they began to take over severalabandoned Circuit City locations whileentering new markets in states previously undreamed of by analysts.  Thus hhgregg gained the attention ofconsumers abandoned by Circuit City as well as byanalysts on Wall Street.  Much of thisupstart glory was gained at Best Buy’s passive expense.
Initially upon hearing of Brian Dunn’s departure and justbefore word passed of an investigation into the man’s personal conduct, manyassumed that Best Buy’s board had decided that it was time to aggressivelyrethink the future.  Those were hopefulmoments.  As word came out of a possiblepersonal scandal, the company began to almost bleed rumors as what wasnext.  More than indicating what might belikely to come, it seemed confusion reigned.
Stories emerged that founder Richard Schulze, who wasbelieved to be increasing his role in the company, was at odds with severalboard members as to how to begin the recruiting process and what philosophy topursue in planning a more positive future. The company promised to issue an impartial, detailed explanation of theDunn ‘affair’ after the investigation, which is being led by a former U.S.attorney and ex-enforcement director for the SEC, is completed.  This is likely to lead to more embarrassmentfor Mr. Dunn or  for the corporation ifhe is exonerated after allegedly being forced to resign.  In fact he may be eligible for a severancepackage of as much as $3.35 million, depending on the outcome of theinvestigation. 
Meanwhile troubling headlines abound as to the next stepsfor the troubled company.  BestBuy: Search for CEO Could Take Up to Nine Months, is one troublingheadline.  Best Buy Appoints CEO SearchCommittee sounds innocent enough but is followed by the fact that aspart of Best Buy’s commitment to transparency, the board will also publiclyannounce a selected search firm in addition to its own widespread recruitingefforts and will post the position on the company website. The final searchfirm selection will be announced in the next few weeks.
The only internal candidate currently under consideration isG. "Mike" Mikan, a former healthcare executive who is serving asinterim CEO.  Many observers, especiallythose representing Wall Street worry that not being able to imminently name apermanent CEO suggests either a lack of a succession plan or a managerialbreach within the company.
Other recent headlines include, Best Buy's CEO Succession Circus Continues, which raises thequestions of many as to the need to take months to conduct the search for a newleader and perhaps a new operational plan. Best Buy’s Dunn May Be Able to Get$3.35 Million Package, speaks for itself and portends more drama andembarrassment than even a healthy company should stand.
Meanwhile Best Buy continues with its plan to immediatelyclose fifty stores and try to shrink many of its others.  Professional suggestions race across theInternet including radically reducing store size and selection while ramping upits diminutive Best Buy Mobile locations. Some even suggest reviewing a possible acquisition of the ubiquitous butequally troubled RadioShack chain.
Whatever the outcome, this turn of events must be viewed asan opportunity for a retailer that has been coming up short on its sales flooras it tries to build its web presence through serious stumbles.  The company momentarily basked in the demiseof Circuit City but now finds itself battlingbrilliant regional CE chains, CE independents with a strong national webpresence and Walmart, Target, Costco and other strong discounters, while ittries to discourage its image as a showroom for Amazon and other efficient webmerchants.  And the beat goes on.


Company Snapshot: O'Reilly Automotive Inc.

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O'Reilly Automotive Inc.
Address:233 S Patterson AveSpringfield, MO 65802-2298

Telephone:417 862-3333
Internet Homepage:http://www.oreillyauto.com
Year Founded: 1957
Total Stores:317
Total Annual Sales:$5,788,816,000

Senior Executives:David E. O'Reilly-ChairmanCharles O'Reilly- Vice ChairmanGregory L. Henslee- CEO; Co-PresidentTed F. Wise-  COO; Co-President

O’Reilly Automotive, Inc., announcedrecord revenues and earnings for its year ended December 31, 2011.  Sales for the year increased $391 million, or7%, to $5.79 billion from $5.40 billion for the same period one year ago.  Obviously, achieving record revenues during aneconomic climate as uncertain as ours is no simple feat.   
O'ReillyAutomotive is a company based on close relationships.  As can be seen through the listings of the seniorexecutives above, though the company  is publiclytraded, the O’Reilly family drives the company as it maintains the seats ofpower.  Interestingly, though not unique,this is one of the few nationally growing companies that boastCo-Presidents.  The close ties betweenthe Chairmen and the Co-Presidents produce a valuable and sharp strategic focuswhich has helped the company grow through aggressive expansion as well asthrough major acquisition, most notably when the company went national with theaddition of CSK Auto.
Fouryears ago, on April 1, 2008, O’Reilly Automotive signed a deal to acquire allof CSK's common stock for approximately one billion dollars, including $500million of debt.  O'Reilly begangradually rebranding the stores which gave CSK its name.  CheckerAuto Parts, Schucks AutoSupply, and Kragen Auto Partsstores, as well as CSK’s final major acquisition, Murray's Discount Auto Stores became O'Reilly Auto Parts stores.   Theacquisition of the 1,349 CSK units gave O’Reilly a true Western and thus anational presence.
Theacquisition of CSK virtually coincided with the then perceived onset of therecession.  The Chain Store Guidedatabase of Discount and Specialty Retailers reveals that at the end ofDecember 2008, O’Reilly operated 3,285 locations.  Since then the smallest yearly gain in unitswas 136 in 2009, as the company has increased the size of its incrementalgrowth annually.  The company ended 2011with 3,740 locations and just announced that at the end of its first quarter atthe end of March 2012, the company was operating 3,809 stores.  This focus indicates aggressive growthdespite the uncertain economy with no end in sight.

Which Has Been the Country’s Best-Performing Stock Over the Past Twenty Five Years? It’s not Apple…

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In fact the companyin question is decidedly low-tech.  Italso resides in the industry hit most hard as a result of the subprime scandaland further devastated by ravages of the recession.
Since the infamous ‘Black Monday’ of October 1987, thiscompany's share price is up 38,565 percent. Microsoft, by contrast, is up lessthan 10,000 percent over that same period (otherwise most impressive).  Apple shares have gone up by a mere 5,500percent, though to be fair even in the early 1990’s Apple was struggling forliteral survival.
With all of the stock market’s controversies through theyears, its glamour and glitter, the company whose stock has registered thegreatest percentage of growth represents products that couldn’t be more basic.  They likely appear on relatively few Christmaslists. 
The company is Fastenal. While not a household name to the general public, Fastenal is revered bythose who work or closely follow the world of Wall Street as well as its legionof happy customers and frustrated competitors. Unlike many hot, speculative issues which rapidly burn out as stockmarket disasters, Fastenal has backed aggressive expansion plans with boldinvestments in personnel (especially in terms of its sales force), newlocations and technologies meant to make its products ever more available forits generally professional customers.
Essentially Fastenal has accurately analyzed the needs ofits customers and determined how to best serve them through innovation andinvestment.  The company’s website representsan online catalogue that supports 10,700 pages. A visit to the website begins with an offering of fasteners (nosurprise) above quick groupings of many basics including such diverse productlines as Tools & Equipment, Chemicals & Paints, Plumbing, Safety,Packaging, Cutting Tools, Electrical, Janitorial, Welding, Hydraulics, Fleet& Automotive and on and on. 
There is even an imposing section titled Fastenal Racing,fully documenting Fastenal’s NASCAR racing team led by driver CarlEdwards.  As seems typical of Fastenal,there is a link to NASCAR’s website offering seemingly almost as many officialFastenal Racing products as Fastenal offers its professional customers.
In the company’s desire to make its great breadth and depthof product more directly available to customers, the company has invested inwhat it terms Automated Fastenal Stores.  These are basically vending machines whichoffer essentials such a fasteners.  Theycan be placed at job sites or near customer locations for the timelyconvenience of the company’s clientele. Though a considerable investment, the company currently operates nearly 7,500of these customer favored devices. 
Chain Store Guide’s database of Home Center Operators & HardwareChains indicates that Fastenal began the new century with barely over 800locations.  By the time the subprime messbegan to affect the market Fastenal was approaching 2,000 locations.  Two years later as the recession was cominginto its own and most companies in this industry were cutting expansionprojections, the company was nearing 2,200 venues.  By the end of 2011 the company was operatingthrough 2,585 locations.  This grew to2,611 at the end of its recently completed first quarter.  Hard economic times for the nation, andespecially for this industry, seem to have been circumvented by Fastenal’sfocused and aggressive management style. Their motto could easily be, ‘You’ve got to invest money to make money’.
During this period, CSG’s database of Home Center Operators& Hardware Chains shows a brilliant financial picture in keeping with theshowing of Fastenal’s Wall Street performance. The company came into the new millenniumwith annual sales of just over $600 million.  For fiscal 2011, the company recentlyannounced an annual sales figure of $2.77 billion, well more than quadruplingsales in just over an economically challenging decade.  This is a fitting example in which acompany’s financial performance is correctly mirrored by its stock’sperformance on Wall Street.
In speaking to analysts across all industries, we seem toagree that one can generally tell a lot about a company’s success by the detailand clarity of its annual and especially its quarterly financial releases.  Even Fastenal’s financials press releases area paradise for those who can’t get enough when it comes to statistics.  In addition to historical quarterlycomparisons of store counts and sales we can easily compare store personnelcounts and the company’s growth of its heralded vending machine business, whichis clearly a hit with customers and a key to the company’s financial growth, amajor difference maker against competitors.

Introducing Chain Store Guide’s 2012 Database of Foodservice Distributors

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Following close behind its complementary 2012Chain Restaurant Operators database, the newly updated 2012 Database of Foodservice Distributors from Chain Store Guide is now available online and in directory format on May 22. As was the case for operators at the retail level, the wholesale side of the foodservice industry has been hard hit by the recession, higher energy prices, and the resulting higher commodity prices. However, the signs are promising that the worst is over in this marketplace. As Hudson Riehle, National Restaurant Association’s Senior VP of Research and Knowledge, noted in his February presentation of the NRA 2012 Forecast, there is a correlation between rising employment and demand for convenience, and the data show a significant level of pent-up demand.
Recent reports back up the growing optimism in the industry, with both the April NRN MillerPulse Survey and the NRA Restaurant Performance Index showing positive results. Of particular importance to the distribution industry is the NRA’s Expectation Index for capital expenditures – 56% of restaurant operators plan to make a capital expenditure for equipment, expansion or remodeling in the next six months, up from 49% last month and the strongest level in more than four years.
All of the positive reports should be good news to the companies that supply food and products to the restaurant industry and a welcome relief from the pressures of the past few years. For the first time in many years, last year’s industry sales of Chain Store Guide’s Top 100 Foodservice Distributors declined slightly year-to-year, after several years of only modest gains.

Source: Chain Store Guide Database of Foodservice Distributors
In the 2012 Database of Foodservice Distributors, companies which provide restaurants with non-food items only are the dominant business types, comprising a full third of the total HQ companies. Companies which provide food and supplies and those that provide only food represent about one-fourth each. Full-line distributors account for less than one-fifth of the total listings. However, those latter 465 companies took in nearly two-thirds of the total industry sales generated by all the companies in the database, validating the importance of being a one-stop-shop for busy restaurateurs.
The 2012 Database of Foodservice Distributorscontains more than 4,100 companies and provides over 17,000 names and titles for the people that work for them (including nearly 9,300 personal email addresses). In addition to more than 2,300 headquarter listings, the database also includes nearly 1,800 regional and divisional locations which generally serve as points of distribution. For many purposes, these secondary offices function as independent entities, handling such operations as purchasing, business development, and recruitment with minimal day-to-day oversight from the corporate team.
If you would like to learn more about the newest Chain Store Guide offerings or to schedule a personal demonstration of our new 2.0 online technology, please contact us at 800.774.9794, or
go to ChainStoreGuide.com

Tractor Supply headed to Greenwich

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Got this press release in my inbox today:

BRENTWOOD, Tenn.  —  Construction is underway on a new Tractor Supply Company store in Greenwich, the company’s 65th New York location. (Tractor Supply has a store in Saratoga Springs off Weibel Ave near Hannaford as well as stores in Clifton Park and Amsterdam)            Tractor Supply Company is the largest retail farm and ranch supply store chain in the United States and has been operating in New York since 1986.              The new Greenwich Tractor Supply store will be located at 1175 State Route 29, and will employ 12 to 17 full- and part-time team members. The store will include sales floor and support service space. A fenced exterior space will be used for storage and displaying items such as fencing, sprayers and livestock equipment.            “Tractor Supply looks forward to being a member of the Greenwich business community,” said District Manager Peter Menzynski. “Greenwich is a great fit due to the part-time and hobby farmers, and horse owners in the area.”The contractor for the project, Bast Hatfield Construction, LLC of Halfmoon, began construction on Dec. 19, 2012. A completion date has been tentatively set for early June.             
What do you think? Good news for Greenwich? 

New liquor store coming to town

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Reporter Paul Post just got this story, it will be in tomorrow's paper:
WILTON – The town Planning Board has approved an amended site plan that allows for a new liquor store at the site of the former Bizbee’s Restaurant at 556 Maple Ave.

Melissa Brumley of Saratoga Springs plans to open the business, called Saratoga Wine & Spirits, this spring after obtaining a state liquor license.

Brumley’s husband, Brian, and business partner Anthony Gargano recently purchased the building.

However, Melissa Brumley will be the store’s proprietor.

She said this is her first venture in small business after working in corporate finance for many years.

Brian Brumley and Gargano do business as 2 Fat Boys Inc. and own the Spring Street Deli at 132 Spring St. in Saratoga Springs.

Wilton, Clifton Park HSBC branches to close (updated)

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Update (2:20 p.m.) Here's Betsy's story: 

BUFFALO — First Niagara Bank expects to complete its acquisition of 195 HSBC bank branches by May, and because a number of the HSBC branches being acquired are within close proximity to First Niagara branches, two Saratoga County branches will close and be consolidated with a nearby facility.

The HSBC branch at 3025 Route 50,Wilton Square, in Saratoga Springs will close and be consolidated with the First Niagara branch at 3057 Route 50, which is located in a plaza in front of the Wilton Mall.

In Clifton Park, the First Niagara branch at 843 Route 146 will close and be consolidated with the HSBC branch at 20 Park Ave. in Clifton Park.

According to a news release from First Niagara, 35 branches are being consolidated, most within one mile from each other. Eleven of those are in the Capital Region. The other HSBC branches that are closing are: 30 South Pearl St. in Albany, 335 Main St. in Catskill, 100 Mohawk St. in Cohoes, 492 Troy-Schenectady Road in Latham and 600 Second Ave. in Troy. The other First Niagara branches that are closing are 103 Wolf Road in Colonie, 3083 Carman Road in Rotterdam, 32 Second St. in Troy and 716 Hoosick Road in Brunswick.

Click here for EVEN MORE!


Two Saratoga County HSBC branches will close (11 will close in the Capital Region), consolidating business at nearby FNB/HSBC branches. The move is a result of FNB's purchase of nearly 200 HSBC branches.
The Albany Business Review has more info right now.  
We'll have more on this story in a few, Assistant Managing Editor Betsy Demars is slogging through a press release from FNB trying to eke out a story. (On a related note, we're still looking for a business reporter! Send your resume to blombardo@journalregister.com)


Note: I updated this two minutes after posting when I realized I mixed up a few HSBCs with FNBs... sorry about that.

Virgil's for rent

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Well it appears the rumor is true: Virgil's Coffee House is for rent.
I found several listings online, one with Realty USA, another on a website called LoopNet and a third on a website called Move That Block, offering the space for lease.
According to Move That Block, the 13,000-square-foot space is being offered for $2,625/month. Virgil's is located at 86 Henry St.
I put a call in to the Virgil's owner Kathleen Quartararo (that may be horribly misspelled, the person I talked to on the phone wasn't sure), but she is not at Virgil's today so I don't expect to hear from her until Friday.
I also called the listing agent, John MacAffer of CB Richard Ellis, and left a message with him.
As soon as I get a call back from either, I'll update this post.

No info on Virgil's facebook page. Bloggers Saratoga Idiots  received an email tip about the business being rented, which tipped me off (thanks guys!)

What a shame if Virgil's really is closing, they've been around for a while and offer a unique experience. They're also such a friend to local groups/clubs who use their space for meetings. Hopefully Virgil's is relocating, not closing.

-- Emily

p.s. Sorry  for neglecting the blog this week, I've been filling in for Assistant Managing Editor Betsy DeMars while she's on vacation and I've had to prioritize that over filling in for our still-not-hired-yet business reporter (for the love of God, send resumes to blomardo@saratogian.com!). Oh yeah, I'm still the online editor, too... and believe me, keeping the website commenters in line is no easy task.

What's happening at the former Champion Pontiac-Buick-GM dealership?

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The Champion Pontiac-Buick-GM dealership at 135 South Broadway closed in June 2009.
This week an observant local photographer who I only know via his/her twitter handle @SaratogaShoots, pointed out that the For Sale sign once in front of the building is now gone.
Our photographer Erica Miller (@togianphotog) went by today and confirmed @SaratogaShoots' report... so now I'm trying to figure out what's going on there.
Without that For Sale sign, I don't know who had listed the property. The last information we had was that it was owned by GM, but that was in 2009 and may have changed.

Anybody know if it sold or have an idea about who I could talk to? Let me know in the comments or edonohue@saratogian.com

-- Emily

Solved! Parillo plans to buy former Topper/ All Star dealership location

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Frank Parillo's attorney, Bob Sweeney, confirmed to me this afternoon that his client is under contract to purchase the long-abandoned car dealership on South Broadway. Sweeney said an LLC Parillo owns, Saratoga Prime LLC, will likely complete the sale in April. He would not comment on the purchase price.

Sweeney said Parillo is "looking into possibilities" for the location but has not committed to anything yet. He added that the location — which was a Champion Pontiac-Buick-GM dealership until June 2009 and the Topper car dealership before that — will NOT be a car dealership again.

Parillo owns the Wilton Travel Plaza and Scotty's restaurant, both at exit 16. He is also an investor in the Hampton Inn/High Rock Ave condo complex.

I left a message for Frank, inviting him to comment on his plans for the location. I'll let you know what I hear. 

So, what do you think South Broadway needs? A committee has been formed to tackle that very question and is expected to issue a report in the spring. Managing Editor Barb Lombardo recently wrote an editorial about the possibilities for a South Broadway Renaissance.

Let me know in the comments what you think Parillo should do with that location, I"m curious to hear your suggestions. (I think we can all agree we hope it doesn't become more condos, right?)

-- Emily

Elizabeth's Table, coming soon

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I spoke to Liz Phillips, co-owner of the former Cupcake Lab and future Elizabeth's Table, today about the forthcoming Broadway restaurant. Steve Barnes' Table Hopping blog reported today a projected opening date for the restaurant.
Phillips told me she isn't ready to commit to an opening date yet, a few things like final permits and plumbing work are still outstanding, but she says the wait won't be long.
Click here to read our Jan. 2 report about the planned restaurant, it will offer breakfast, lunch and dinner. Unlike the Phillips' last restaurant, the Cupcake Lab, the new Broadway location will also get lots of foot traffic.
I hope to have lots more to report on Elizabeth's Table in the very near future, so stay tuned.

-- Emily

Whoopies are... gone.

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Ballston Spa-based business Whoopies Are Good is closing as of tomorrow, co-owner Paul Brisson confirmed to me today.

Sad news because it really seemed like the business was taking off. Reporter Suzanna Lourie interviewed Brisson and his business partner Anne Marie Aubin in October when their whoopies were selected to be part of the swag bags given out at the News and Documentary Emmys.

Brisson did not want to get into specifics on what prompted the closure or what the future will bring, but I have no doubt we will be hearing his name again soon in connection with local businesses.

-- Emily

Finally caught up with the owner of Virgil's and she's got good news

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Hi folks,
At long last, I got to the bottom of the Virgil's mystery. I braved the SNOWPOCALYPSE (kidding) and walked over to the Henry Street cafe this afternoon to talk to owner Kathleen Quartararo (pronounced like quarter + arrow, fyi).
She says the 86 Henry St. location is, in fact, for rent, but she is not planning to close Virgil's. In December, Quartararo decided not to renew her five-year lease because she wasn't prepared to make  that long a commitment to the location. (She also owns the Inn of Ballston Spa which she has run alone ever since her mother died suddenly in '09 and her two high school-aged sons are heading to college soon, both factors contributing to her reluctance to sign a long lease)
So, her landlords (who she says are great) are keeping Quartararo and Virgil's on as a month-to-month tenant while they look for someone to sign a longer lease and she looks for a new space. She said she's got a few places in mind and hopes to have an announcement in the next couple weeks about a new Virgil's location, which will likely be downtown.
"We're here for as long as they don't sign someone else," she said.

She assured me that business at Virgil's is good, in fact the 5-year-old cafe is having its best February on record. Quartararo said business is picking up for a variety of reasons: she brought a restaurant consultant into the cafe over the summer who helped her streamline the look and feel of the front counter and the cafe rescinded its strict no-technology policy months ago.
The no cell phones and laptop rule was keeping some of her regulars from coming in more often and from bringing in their spouses, she said. The final straw was when one of her favorite customers told her she'd come in more often if her husband, an author, was allowed to bring his laptop to work on his latest book.
Since the policy change, "it's just been really chill," Quaratararo said. "People are still respectful ... I was surprised how nice it is."
Originally, Quartarao was desperately seeking respite from technology at Virgil's. A previous job at AT&T had left her feeling overwhelmed and over-saturated by technology. A few years later, though, she's ready to let technology into the cafe, as long as her cafe is still unique among downtown coffee/sandwich spots.
When Virgil's moves to its new location (she wouldn't give me any hints as to where that might be), Quartararo says her business model won't change much. She will continue "to try to make sure that we position ourselves a little bit differently" than other similar spots downtown.

So there you have it.

Care to weigh in on where you think Virgil's might be headed or what type of business would be well-suited to take over the Henry Street spot?

-- Emily

Mio Posto moving into former location of 8 Tables/Sangwych

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Well that didn't take long.
The Putnam Street space recently vacated by Sangwych (the former home of 8 Tables) is going to be an Italian restaurant called Mio Posto.
Mio Posto means "my place" in Italian and owner Danny Petrosino intends to make the restaurant very much his place.
"I'm gonna cook what I like to cook," he said in a phone interview Wednesday evening. What he likes to cook is Italian food with an emphasis on locally-sourced ingredients. "I only use family-owned purveyors," he said, name-dropping John Fusco's Edelweiss Veal Co. and Reliable Brothers meat purveyors, both in Albany. Petrosino hopes to change his menu weekly — "I'm gonna use what's fresh and what's available," he said.
Opening Mio Posto is a bit of a homecoming for Petrosino, he is originally from Amsterdam and recently moved back there after a few years in Florida. But to say he's got deep local roots is to put it mildly. He worked for Angelo Mazzone for several years and was the General Manager at both the Hall of Springs and Glen Sanders Mansion and was the food and Beverage Manager at Saratoga National for a few years.
The CIA grad was profiled by the Times Union about a year ago, they wrote this: "The 53-year-old Amsterdam native worked at other upscale spots, but most of all he talks about his first job. He started in 1981 at Ecobelli's Restaurant at Ballston Spa, for many years, one of the best Italian restaurants in the region." Click here to read that full story.
Petrosino's most recent venture, Red Sauce in The Villages, Fla., was "an old school red sauce joint," he said. He sold his half of the restaurant to his partner a couple months ago, moved back upstate and began hunting for a place to start a new restaurant.  The location for Mio Posto sort of fell in his lap, he said. He originally was looking for something in Amsterdam, but heard about the vacant space from his lawyer and thought it was perfect. The 22 or so people it will seat is a far cry from the 500 covers Red Sauce regularly does, and there's freedom in that."You don't have to worry about filling about 150 seats," he said. A small restaurant where he can cook only the things he wants to cook is something Petrosino, and probably most lifelong chefs, has always dreamed of having. "My food's kind of old school," he said. "I'm a big believer in buying good ingredients and not adding a lot to it."The price point will likely be somewhere between Sperry's and Max London's he said and he plans to sign a multiple-year lease. Mio Posto will likely open in late March or early April, as soon as the liquor license comes through Petrosino said.
Once Petrosino has a firm date for opening, I'll give you an update.
-- Emily

Big thanks to @SaratogaShoots for the tip on this story!

Five Points Grocery under new ownership

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Five Points Grocery at the intersection of Park Place, Lincoln Ave., Jefferson Street and Clark Street is under new ownership: Maura Pulver Millar is the new owner as of this week.
The store changed hands in October 2007 when Kim and Joe Helenek, who had been the owners for almost 10 years, sold the store to Jim and Kerry Morris.
We'll have more on this later today from Managing-Editor-turned-fill-in-biz-reporter Barb Lombardo.


UPDATE: Here's the full story from Barb about the new owner. Maura Pulver Millar was an employee of the story for 1 1/2 years before she bought the building.

Johnny Luc's becoming The Living Room and Club Shadow possibly reopening

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I don't have much on this, but it's enough to whet your appetite. Some serious investigative journalism (ie. me walking across the office parking lot, in the rain) has revealed that the Caroline Street bar formerly known as Johnny Luc's is reopening under new ownership as The Living Room.
Tiffany Albert and her husband Jonathan Albert, who own Putnam Den, are behind the project. They opened Putnam Den in the summer of 2009 and since then have attracted an impressive array of local, regional and national bands. I spoke to Tiffany very briefly this afternoon, really only to schedule a meeting for next week, but she said The Living Room will be a 1920s-style speakeasy.

Thank you, google images.
Thank you again, google images.
So, I hope to have much more on this for you next week after I meet with Tiffany.

The most tantalizing piece of intel I uncovered today came from phone calls with two separate sources (who I will not name here because they only spoke to me off the record): the Alberts also purchased and are planning to reopen the space formerly known as Club Shadow (upstairs from Johnny Luc's-turned-Living Room) as a club that will be very similar to Club Shadow. Of course, you remember Club Shadow closed last summer after a large brawl started in the club, spilled out onto Caroline Street, necessitated dozens of police officers to quell and resulted in four arrests and four injured cops. The club's liquor license was subsequently canceled by the State Liquor Authority. Rumors surfaced not long after that owner John Lucarelli was selling the space.

There you have it — a new bar for Caroline Street with what sounds like a unique theme and possible new life for Club Shadow. 

— Emily

Your new Biz blogger and news for fitness fiends

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Hi everyone - I'm Jamie Munks and I'm the new business and education reporter for The Saratogian. I encourage anyone who wants to get in touch with me to do so with tips, questions, comments, etc., by phone at 583-8729 ext. 219, or by email at jmunks@saratogian.com. I'll look forward to hearing from you!

And now here's some exciting news for those of you who are looking for a new place to work out.

I just spoke to Angela Amedio, who is planning to offer spinning classes at The Saratoga Cycling Studio, slated to open April 30 at 24 Hamilton Street. Spinning, if by chance you haven't heard of it by now, is a popular fitness trend where an instructor leads a class of people who are on stationary bikes through a fun and vigorous workout. It's something Amedio sees a need for in Saratoga Springs.

Amedio will have a staff of six and there will be 20 bikes in the studio. What's different about her studio from big box gyms is that it will be more of a boutique experience, and she won't require people to join or pay initiation fees in order to take classes. You can also sign up for classes online, on their website, which launched today. There's also an open house event scheduled for the new business at 3 p.m. April 28.

Amedio wants to offer a non-intimidating spinning environment, and said people shouldn't be scared about signing up because they think it will be too intense. She's also reached out to the Saratoga Springs school district about getting local children involved because it's a low-impact way to exercise. But that's not the only plus.

"It's good for camaraderie," she said.


ABC News in Ballston Spa as part of economy series

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Here's a very interesting tidbit Ballston Spa Superintendent Joseph Dragone shared at Wednesday's Board of Education meeting, relating to both education and business in our area:
ABC News' David Muir was in the district's schools on Wednesday, reporting a story on the economy of the region and GlobalFoundries for the network's 'Made in America' series.
Here's what school district spokesman Stuart Williams emailed me Thursday about how schools fit into the story:
"They included filming of our Clean Technologies and Sustainable Industries Early College High School students as part of the piece," Williams wrote.
Muir is a weekend anchor for ABC World News, and reports on the economy in the network's ongoing series.
We haven't been able to determine when the show will air, but we'll be sure to you updated on this as we're able to come up with more information.

Coffee Planet renovations and a new biz blogger

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Hi there,
We finally have a new business reporter, yay! Jamie Munks joined us from the Post Star last week, so my brief tenure at the helm of this blog is over. She's just getting the hang of her new beat (which combines education and business), but feel free to email tips to jmunks@saratogian.com or leave them in the comments on this blog.

I've got one little news item for you folks, though.
I drove past Coffee Planet this afternoon and was shocked to see the Ballston Spa cafe's windows covered in paper -- I thought they closed! But don't worry, I called right away (when it comes to coffee, seconds count) and was informed that they are only temporarily closed while the cafe undergoes renovations. They expect to reopen April 20. Phew.

Hopefully we'll have some more info on this later and some pics of Coffee Planet's makeover.

Hope you all had a nice weekend,


Capital Region Best Buy stores not on closure list

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The Best Buy store in Wilton is not on the list of the 50 stores the chain will close by the end of the year, according to a news release put out by the company today.

Best Buy announced earlier this year it would close 50 locations, and had identified eight of the stores. The remaining 42 were announced on Saturday, with the only New York state location on the list coming from NYC.

In addition to the Wilton store, Best Buy has another Capital Region location at Crossgates Mall.

We received an anonymous phone call earlier in the week from someone who said they thought the local store was on the closure list. We checked on it, but Best Buy's corporate spokespeople wouldn't tell us at that time whether or not it was true. And now we know it's not.

--Jamie Munks

New businesses specialize in imbibing while painting; family photography

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Children and newborn photographer Anastasia Sperry has set up shop on Broadway, and will hold a grand opening event from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday. The photography studio is located at 489 Broadway in an upstairs suite. The event this weekend will have a Mad Hatter tea party theme.
Sperry, who used to be a teacher, has always been passionate about photography and has been working as an on-location photographer for several years now, and the studio will allow her to have a base where she can meet with clients.
Sperry signed the lease in November, and spent the winter months getting the studio ready. Here's her website for more information: http://www.anastasiasperryphotography.com/

I also met today with Catherine Hover, who is opening Saratoga Paint & Sip Studio on Henry Street. Hover's studio pairs wine and beer drinking with a painting class led by a local artist, for birthday parties, girls' nights and first dates.
Hover has lived in various metropolises, most recently New Orleans, before moving here with her husband last year. She's heard of other studios popping up and thought the Spa City would be a good location for one with its vibrant downtown and arts scene.
The first adult class will be held on April 26, where class members can recreate Van Gogh's Starry Night. Registration and payment can both be done on the calendar on the studio's website, by clicking on the date or painting you want to try.
There will be children's painting classes held at the studio starting this weekend, but there's no word on what they'll drink in place of wine...


- Jamie

Broadway: One of America's Greatest Main Streets

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Travel + Leisure magazine has named Broadway in Saratoga Springs one of America's Greatest Main Streets. A blurb on the magazine's website says Broadway "looks like a Main Street on steroids, with grand buildings of Beaux-Arts and Colonial Revival styles."
The piece mentions Broadway's benches and outdoor seating at restaurants as being perfect for people-watching, especially during track season and recommends stopping at the Saratoga Spa State Park.
Woodstock, Vermont; Littleton, New Hampshire; and Bath, Maine were other Northeast destinations with Main streets that made the list.

It was also announced today that Sen. Charles Schumer, D-NY, has introduced legislation that would reward small upstate businesses for buying new equipment and hiring new workers. The proposal would allow businesses to receive tax credits equal to 10 percent of new employee salaries to create an incentive for companies to hire. Businesses could also write off 100 percent of expenses related to capital equipment purchases in the coming year.
Here's how it would work: businesses would receive a tax credit for 10 percent of any payroll expansion in 2012, up to $500,000. Schumer's office breaks it down by region:
Capital Region businesses could see an average tax break of $4,013 for each new employee hired, and in the Hudson Valley, businesses could see an average tax break of $4,717 for each employee hired.


Elizabeth's Table now open on Broadway

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Something really quick for you: I stopped in over at Elizabeth's Table, which is now open at 510 Broadway. I was told that the owners are really busy (it was right around lunch time when I dropped by, and many of the tables were full) but that they'll be calling me soon. As soon as I hear, I'll fill you in on all the details.
Owners Mike and Liz Phillips closed The Cupcake Lab at 517 Broadway in October to move into the new location with Elizabeth's Table. In the meantime, here's a link to the Elizabeth's Table Facebook page with some photos of the interior of the new space.


New gallery, dog park to Ballston Spa

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There's a new spot in Ballston Spa for social canines. Lazy Dog Cookie Co. is holding a grand opening celebration for its new sPAW CITY Social Club Indoor Dog Park. It's on the second floor of a manufacturing facility at 101 Ford St.
There's off-leash space and on-leash social space, a coffee bar and Wi-Fi and soon to be more space for private parties, trainers and other events. The grand opening will be held from 5 to 8 p.m. on Friday, April 27 at the Ford Street location.

There's also a lighting and design showroom, Two If By Sea gallery, will hold a grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony in conjunction with the Ballston Spa Business and Professional Association, village Mayor John Romano and showroom owners Gregory and Melissa Tkal, will take part in the event at 7 p.m. May 4 at the gallery, 91 Milton Ave. The lighting and design showroom will feature vintage, reproduction and custom light fixtures. According to a news release sent out by the association, Gregory's work has been featured in films like "The Amistad" and "The Patriot," and his wife, Melissa, is an interior designer.

And here's a little event coming up at Lake Avenue Elementary School in Saratoga Springs, being put on by young students who are apparently braver than me...25 students are going to be involved in a circus act at 7 p.m. Friday, April 27 in the school gym. They participated in a school residency program for a week with Circus Smirkus. Admission costs $1 or 10 BoxTops for Education, and all proceeds benefit the Lake Avenue Parent-Teacher Association.


Beverly is back: Turf Club to begin serving breakfast

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The Turf Club on Union Avenue will begin serving breakfast daily starting at 8 a.m. Saturday, as a collaboration between Beverly Reedy and her son Rob Cone, the restaurant's executive chef. Reedy operated Beverly's Cafe with her other son for more than two decades before closing the Phila Street restaurant earlier this year.

The breakfasts will be similar to those that were offered at Beverly's for 22 years, including homemade quiche, apple butter, scones, cinnamon buns and home-style pancakes, which Reedy tells me are probably the best you'll ever eat. Everything is made from scratch and comes from recipes created by either Rob or Beverly.

The weekend will mark a "grand reopening" of sorts for the Turf Club, as breakfast launches and a new dinner menu is unveiled too, Reedy said.

Breakfast/brunch will be served from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily, and the restaurant will reopen from 5 to 10 p.m. for dinner, and the bar is open until midnight.

Now everyone can have Sloppy Kisses

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Sloppy Kisses, a Saratoga dog bakery and pet boutique, announced today that their homemade peanut butter dog biscuits will be the featured dog treat  in the May 2012 shipment of BarkBox. New York City-based BarkBox is an online service that delivers new products to dogs around the country each month. A news release from Sloppy Kisses equates it to a wine-of-the-month club, except for dogs...which tells me that it's awesome.

The shipments will go to 1,000 dogs all over the country. Though preparing all those treats "has tested our production capability," Sloppy Kisses recently moved to a larger location at 425 Broadway in downtown Saratoga Springs, which helped because employees can now bake in the store, owner Melanie Dallas wrote.

In addition to the Broadway location, there is also a Sloppy Kisses in Clifton Park Center. The creator of BarkBox, Carly Strife, is a Saratoga Springs native. The company donates 10 percent of its proceeds to animal shelters and rescue organizations.


Two Kentucky Derby parties at Siro's this weekend

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This weekend marks the official start of the summer season at Siro's.
The original Siro's on Lincoln Avenue and Siro's Trattoria at the Lodge will host two Spa City Kentucky Derby Day parties for much of the day on Saturday.
Beginning with the 10:30 a.m. post time at Churchill Downs, guests at Siro's Trattoria at the Lodge on Nelson Ave., can wager on races with a live teller in the restaurant. There will be a full undercard shown on big-screen televisions in the restaurant and a full bar menu will be available.At the original Siro's on Lincoln Avenue, guests can view the races on televisions inside the restaurant and on the patio, starting at 4 p.m.A shuttle bus will provide transportation between the two Siro's venues between 4 and 9 p.m., and there will be live music at the original Siro's.The Derby Day parties mark the beginning of the summer season for the restaurants: the Trattoria at the Lodge will be open for dinner on weekends through mid-July, and the Lincoln Avenue location will starts its regular summer schedule in conjunction with the opening of the Saratoga Race Course on July 19, with the annual Siro's Cup to benefit the Center for Disability Services.  -- Jamie