16 Şubat 2013 Cumartesi

The power of positive grumbling

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I've been grumbling all day today. And for good reason:
·        First, I'm grumbling because I am busy. Reallybusy. Late-nighters and all-nighters all week busy. And I'm going to be busyfor a while yet.·        Second, I'm grumbling because I am in the middleof a 10-day-long course of antibiotics. One of its listed side effects isirritability. No fun.
·        Third, I'm grumbling because it's cold outside,and the walls seem to be shrinking in by about a foot a day.
So what's wrong with this picture? Here's what's wrong:
First, there are people out there who would give their rightarm for the great workload I usually take for granted. To have a regular incomecoming in. To have the world validate their talents. To be self-employed andhappy. I should be jumping for joy to watch the clock turn 2 AM. After all, I'mhome, I'm safe, and I love what I am doing.
For some people, their days stretch sadly and endlesslyahead of them. But for me, I look ahead and see guest lectures to give, therapysessions to hold, lunches with cool people, client projects to finish, even anew book to launch soon. Busy is way cool.
Second, what about the antibiotics? They are the greatestnews in the world. At the risk of TMI, I had a health scare this fall when my PSA started climbing after a routine physical. Last week I just learned that I don't have prostatecancer - I have prostatitis. Prostatitis is awesome. It's fantastic. It'sfixable. My doctor doesn't even want to see me for another six months. (And myPSA is returning to normal levels.) So I should be wolfing down these antibioticswith glee, irritability and all.
Third, about the cold: I am in a warm house with a beautifulwoman, good food, great music, and a picture window that looks out over acresof rolling hills. I live in a great town. I am happy, healthy (prostatitisnotwithstanding), and in love. And March is only five weeks away.
What I have just used here is a powerful technique frompsychotherapy known as reframing. It is not the same as positive thinking.Rather, it takes reality - keeps it completely real - but frames it in termsthat are much less scary. You can use it to describe life events, other people,or the way you are thinking. You could think of it as positive grumbling.
Reframing is very powerful. I've watched it changerelationships and lift depressions. Today, it even made me stop grumbling. Tryit yourself, and see what it can do for you!

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