30 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Go for it! Or not!

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Near the beginning of the movie "Ice Age," a turtle decides to try an evolutionary experiment: he hurls himself off a cliff exclaiming, "I can fly-y-y," before landing with a resounding thud on the back of his shell.

I got thinking about that turtle yesterday while I was reading Seth Godin's new bestseller Poke the Box. It's a short book with an even shorter premise: start things. People who "poke the box" are people who go for it instead of waiting for permission.

It's a compelling argument. But then, a little later, I read a NY Times article about a 70 year old woman in California who continues to work because she has no savings, despite a long professional career. Why? According to her, she kept plowing her money into business ventures that never succeeded enough to sustain her today. Was she poking the box too?

Same thing is true in the job jungle. Godin makes a good case that being an instigator in the workplace is better than being a sheep. So why is it, when I look back over most places I've worked, that the foot soldiers generally have stable careers while many managers – e.g. the instigators and box-pokers – frequently get whacked? I've seen so many bright people lose their jobs as companies keep looking for better quarterly numbers, a "new direction," or the latest leadership flavor of the month.

It's an interesting juxtaposition. Poke or not poke? Lead or follow? Start or wait? Succeed big, or keep ending up like the turtle?

I think part of the answer lies in the difference between initiative and risk. Let's face it, stories about risk-takers are inspirational. They sell books. But most truly successful people I know are actually pretty risk-averse. They become really good at something, often over a period of years. They test the waters instead of just taking flying leaps. They poke the box when the time is right, but they also know the difference between being brave and stupid.

I also believe that poking the box isn't for everyone (and suspect that Seth agrees). There are lots of good people out there who would probably be better off being great followers than mediocre leaders. Pushing them otherwise would be like trying to start a rock group composed of people who hate rock and roll.

Still, Godin makes a good point, as he usually does. Now I feel like going out and poking a few boxes.

A Goofy way to sell

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Does this ever happen to you?

Someone wants you to buy their product. Or join their movement. Or whatever. You politely let them know that you aren't really interested. And then the following happens:

-They ask "why" and then try to overcome your objections
-They present facts that "prove" that you should be buying or doing what they want
-They feel your reticence is simply a result of your ignorance
-They act visibly unhappy with you, as though you were responsible for their emotional well-being

How well does this approach work? Well, suppose that a successful company like Disney decided to try it. You are at a travel agency planning your next family vacation, and someone dressed like Goofy comes up to you and has the following conversation:

Goofy: Ah, hy-uk, hi folks! Are you nice people planning a vacation?
You: Er ... yes
Goofy: Well, I've got a great idea. How about joining me at Disneyland?
You: We weren't really planning to go to California.
Goofy: Well, shucks, that's OK. You could go to Disney World in Florida. This is a nice time to go to Florida, isn't it?
You: But Disney is so expensive. To be honest, we just want to spend a long weekend visiting Aunt Matilda downstate.
Goofy: You know, lots of people say that. But they don't realize how much fun it is to go to Disney.
You: I don't really like the crowds and the lines. We just like to go off and spend time together as a family.
Goofy: You could go at off-peak hours and the lines aren't as bad. And Disney is a great place to be together as a family.
You: Look, we're really not interested.
Goofy: (hangs his dog head down and throws his arms down)

Now, quick question. If this was your experience every time you contacted Disney, how likely would you be to call Disney? And how often would you vacation there? If this was how Apple treated you inside their stores, how badly would you want that new iPod? Is this approach more effective than simply having a great product or service that people *want* to purchase?

So why is it that just about every contractor, retail store, and political party still treats me this way? Obviously they still feel it's an effective way to sell to people. As for me, I think it's pretty Goofy.

Someone stole my idea! No they didn't.

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I just saw an interesting quote on Twitter today that stuck with me. It comes from Thomas Jefferson:

"An idea shared is still in your possession"

This reminded me of an interview I did a couple of years ago for Careerbuilder.com. They asked me and a panel of other experts what to do when a co-worker steals your idea. My answer made them practically choke on their lunch: congratulate them and encourage them to keep doing it!

Some people view ideas as a zero-sum game: the more they are shared, the less they benefit. If you are selling, say, the plans for building the Space Shuttle, this might even be correct. But for me, and for most people, it is the exact opposite. You *want* people to steal - in other words, spread - your ideas. And the more they do it, the merrier.

In my case, the more freely my ideas get spread around, the more profitable I am. In fact, since I tend to write books on just about everything I do, any chucklehead can go to Barnes and Noble, plunk down $20, and pick my brains clean. They can - and often do - create training programs around my content without my ever seeing another nickel. And I actually like it that way.

There are two reasons for this. First, who do you think hires me to speak, train, or license my content? Right. People who buy my books and watch my presentations. None of this good stuff would ever happen if they didn't (a) find me and (b) benefit from what they hear. So I always take my very best content and leave it all on the field. I even set up a YouTube channel with almost an hour of free content for people (right here).

But the second reason is perhaps even more important. Suppose I started the Gallagher Communication Skills Academy, with lots of promises about how successful you'll be, and offered bupkis until you were a paying customer. Or worse, held back my best stuff until you paid to join my "platinum circle." How many customers would I have? Years ago, lots of people sold this way. Nowadays, drowning in a world of free information on demand, it would be about as effective as drinking poison.

Same thing is true at your workplace. In a 35-year-plus career, I have never had a single idea "stolen" by my definition. I don't know about you, but I want my ideas discussed by as many others as possible, and people can take all the credit for them they want. So if someone goes to the boss first with something you've talked about, I really do think you should congratulate them! They are taking your ideas to higher places, and you want to encourage more of that. Spreading ideas far and wide - and cheering on those who do it - will almost always get you further than hoarding information.

Should you ever worry about people stealing your ideas? Sure, maybe, if they are the top-secret design to your next product or some such. But for the rest of us, I'd say let people steal away!

I can't explain

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This blog title was the name of a 1960s hit by The Who. It is also the key to using social media without turning into a boor. Let me, um, explain...

Say someone posts something. Someone else doesn't like it - and posts a comment saying so. Then the first person responds by explaining their position. The second person still doesn't like it. Invariably the first person usually keeps explaining, and explaining, and explaining some more.

Does it work? Never.

When people don't agree with you, online or in the real world, you can't explain. At least at first. If someone doesn't like your political position, explaining it further will not change their mind. If what you posted offended someone, explaining it will only make you sound defensive. And if someone is ranting, explaining your rational position usually leads to more ranting.

If you want to see an example of this in action, look no further than the comments section of just about any online news story. Some troll posts something that annoys people, someone else takes offense and responds, the troll responds with more trollishness, and they go back and forth at it until everyone is exhausted and gives up. Does anyone ever "see the light" in these discussions? Nope.

So how can you respond to someone else's negativity online? You really only have three choices:

1) Apologize. Apologizing when you offend someone does not diminish you. It enhances you. Unfortunately, most people react the opposite way because they do not get this.

2) Own your truth. If you firmly believe what you write, and someone else disagrees with you, don't try to convince them they are wrong – convince them how firmly you believe in yourself. There is all the difference in the world between "Here are X reasons why I am correct" versus "I respect your view. I see why you feel that way. And I have a different view."

3) Walk away. For example, lots of people post reviews of my books in places like Amazon.com. Most of them are just ducky. Recently, one wasn't very complimentary at all. My response? No response. First, I respect whatever the marketplace thinks of my wares – but more important, nothing I could possibly say would matter. So often, the best answer of all is the lack of one.

All of these revolve around the subtle difference between engaging people versus defending yourself. One approach works and the other doesn't. If you feel differently, you would have to somehow explain it to me. No, wait, scratch that.

Feel the fear and don't do it anyway

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Hi there, all you people who write motivational articles about how to "go for it," "feel the fear and do it anyway," and "get out of your comfort zone." I really appreciate what you are trying to accomplish with these articles.

Now, respectfully, could you all please knock it off?

Over the last two and a half years, I have done a lot of work with people with anxiety disorders. These are not people with quote-unquote too much stress, but rather people who suffer from issues like fears, phobias, and compulsions. They can't board airplanes, drive over bridges, or stop washing their hands 50 times a day. And whether you know it or not, articles like yours are part of their problem.

Since early 2009 I have been running a group program called "Anxiety Camp," and to a man or woman, its participants all tell me the same thing: well-meaning friends and relatives have always pushed them to engage in "Nike therapy" about their fears (e.g. just do it). The results are always the same. At best they suck it up, muddle through fearful situations, and then feel no better the next time they face them. More often they freak out, have setbacks, and end up worse off than where they started. And then everyone assumes that the sufferer simply isn't trying hard enough.

In reality, trying hard *is* the problem. It goes against your neurobiology. Being afraid is a survival instinct that protects us, and when we try to short-circuit that instinct, our subconscious pushes back - hard. So how do you get well from anxiety disorders? In tiny baby steps. While paying a lot of attention to what you tell yourself. That way, you start re-programming your circuits about what is frightening to you, as you gradually expand your comfort zone.

You see, the suck-it-up types want you to face your fears by gritting your teeth, putting your head down, and enduring situations. At best, doing this simply distracts you and teaches you nothing. At worst, it sensitizes you to situations you really want to become *de*-sensitized to. I want you to learn to become fully present in feared situations. And that almost always requires experiencing them gradually.

To be fair, I do understand the value of these motivational articles. Sometimes people decide to make brave, fundamental moves that change their lives. They choose to take control instead of take cover. And sometimes it works. For example, the day I leaped without a net from corporate life into self-employment will always rank up there as one of the most life-affirming things I've ever done.

But that is not the same as dealing with the fears that, statistically, one in five of us struggle with. And when fearful people read these articles - or worse, are handed them by well-meaning others - they become disheartened. And worst of all, don't realize that from a clinical standpoint, these words are often leading them toward illness and not wellness.

Conversely, when people start taking tiny baby steps from within their comfort zone, magic often starts to happen. I've watched this happen over and over. Anxiety scores drop, limits start disappearing, and people develop a renewed sense of faith in themselves. So if you're fearful, remember: learn all you can about your fears. Take things one small step at a time. And stay far away from motivational speakers.

29 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

Rich Gallagher, MA MFT

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A few years ago, as my writing and speaking career was starting to take off, I said to myself, "I make much of my living having people get angry with me in front of large audiences. Why not spend my off-hours putting myself in the middle of other people's family conflicts?"

So by the middle of 2005 I quietly started living a second life: first as a volunteer crisis counselor, then a 50-something graduate student in marriage and family therapy. And now I can finally say it: Rich Gallagher, MA, MFT. After four years of classes, term papers, and nearly 600 therapy sessions with clients, I have now finished the graduate work to become a psychotherapist.

This is not a career change. Rather, it gets added to the eclectic mix of things I do for a living. (More accurately, I will go from being an off-hours student to being an off-hours therapist.) And I had both practical and emotional reasons for doing this.

First, the practical ones. It adds depth to my "day job" of teaching workplace communications skills, many of which borrow from techniques used in psychotherapy. My most recent book How to Tell Anyone Anything, now a staple of my consulting work, was based in part on my graduate work - and my next book will be the first to have "MA, MFT" after my name. Another practical reason is transitioning to a retirement that is no longer that far away. I will never be happy sitting around watching daytime television, so I thoughtfully chose a new profession that I can practice for as long as I like.

But there are emotional reasons as well. Like the kid who dreams of being a fireman, I always wanted to be a therapist someday. Counseling people has attracted me ever since I was a young boy wanting to be a Catholic priest. For a number of reasons, some very personal, I ended up pursuing a technical career after college, but becoming a therapist later in life finally keeps a decades-old promise to myself.

Perhaps the biggest reason is that this stuff really helps. I ran several "Anxiety Camp" group programs where average participant anxiety scores consistently dropped by about 60%. I've had the pleasure of seeing relationships get closer, workplaces function better, and people work through grief or divorce to start living renewed lives. Therapy clients are generally very good people dealing with the life issues we all share, and it has been a pleasure to be at least a small part of their growth and healing.

Above all, it is a gift to enjoy something so much that the journey itself is worth it. Think, for example, of the person who loves horses so much that they don't mind cleaning the stables every night. This is exactly how I felt about the 14-hour counseling shifts, the crisis interventions, the housecalls all over rural northern Pennsylvania, and the 30-page papers. All a pleasure and all very much worth it.

I couldn't have done this without a lot of support from others, starting with my darling wife Colleen, my family, and my close friends, few of whom escaped being psychoanalyzed for my course assignments. Northcentral University made this all possible with a pioneering, fully accredited online MFT program for working adults. I was fortunate to be mentored by two of the nicest and most talented clinical supervisors, Wendy Hovey, LCSW at Guthrie Health and Kate Halliday LCSW. Even the IRS gets a tip of the hat: Thanks to tax deductions and spreading my expenses over time, I am graduating debt-free.

I also can never repay the friendship and practical help of the Ithaca Therapists Group, a digitally-linked community that was always there for me. Whether it was client referrals, hooking me up with supervision and clinical opportunities, coming to speak to my therapy groups, or simply encouraging and supporting me, I cannot thank its members enough (and won't forget to pass it on).

What happens from here? Hopefully lining up the two years of part-time supervised practice required for NYS licensing, and then getting my full LMFT license and hanging out my own shingle. But that's the fun part. From here, pretty much the only thing that stands between me and being a therapist is being a therapist. Thank you all for supporting me on this journey.

The second half

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I recently posted a picture on Facebook of all the books I have authored, ghostwritten, or contributed to. Including foreign and second editions, it comes to almost 30 books. And if I included the books I don't have copies of, or the technical publications I've contributed to, it would be nearly 50% larger.

In response, I got a nice compliment from a Facebook friend who is in her 30s. I replied by saying that her shelf would be even better someday. (And I wasn't just being nice: she is an incredible writer.) Which got me to thinking: I didn't even publish my first book until I was almost 40 years old.

In fact, almost everything I "do" nowadays, I started later in life. I was nearly 45 when I gave my first paid public speech, and nowadays I make much of my living from speaking. This year, at age 56, I just finished the graduate work to become a psychotherapist, as mentioned in another recent blog. And my interest in communications skills dates back to my first management position, nearly a decade into my original career as a software engineer.

Aside from the obvious lesson that it is never too late to start things, I've learned a more subtle lesson as well. Many of the biggest things in my life have been happy accidents where, at the right time, someone cheered me on. I would love to say that my success as a writer was planned ever since I was seven years old. In reality, I didn't have a clue early on that I would ever pursue this. After all, I was a "C" student in writing in college, and never published a thing in the first few decades of my life.

What changed was that in the 80s, my wife and I took a night-school writing course together in Los Angeles, and people told me – for the first time in my life – that I was good at it. From then on I thought of myself as a writer. Eventually the rest of my life became a process of learning, growing, and becoming all the things I thought of myself as. Or dreamed of being. I wish I had known that decades earlier – who knows what I might have done in all that time. But it is never too late.

I truly believe that no goal is too ridiculous to pursue if you want it badly enough. For example, I am thinking right now of an engineering classmate from my Cornell days. I have never met him, but every few months I would read in our alumni news how he had a day job as an engineer, and did standup comedy at night. Or public access television. Or acting. I used to think to myself, "how will he ever merge these different interests?" Here's how – he eventually became television's Bill Nye, The Science Guy.

So what new direction could you start, right now, for the next phase of your life? And more important, what kinds of well-placed encouragement might change the lives of people around you? I am far from through growing and changing, and so are you.

Someone stole my idea! No they didn't.

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I just saw an interesting quote on Twitter today that stuck with me. It comes from Thomas Jefferson:

"An idea shared is still in your possession"

This reminded me of an interview I did a couple of years ago for Careerbuilder.com. They asked me and a panel of other experts what to do when a co-worker steals your idea. My answer made them practically choke on their lunch: congratulate them and encourage them to keep doing it!

Some people view ideas as a zero-sum game: the more they are shared, the less they benefit. If you are selling, say, the plans for building the Space Shuttle, this might even be correct. But for me, and for most people, it is the exact opposite. You *want* people to steal - in other words, spread - your ideas. And the more they do it, the merrier.

In my case, the more freely my ideas get spread around, the more profitable I am. In fact, since I tend to write books on just about everything I do, any chucklehead can go to Barnes and Noble, plunk down $20, and pick my brains clean. They can - and often do - create training programs around my content without my ever seeing another nickel. And I actually like it that way.

There are two reasons for this. First, who do you think hires me to speak, train, or license my content? Right. People who buy my books and watch my presentations. None of this good stuff would ever happen if they didn't (a) find me and (b) benefit from what they hear. So I always take my very best content and leave it all on the field. I even set up a YouTube channel with almost an hour of free content for people (right here).

But the second reason is perhaps even more important. Suppose I started the Gallagher Communication Skills Academy, with lots of promises about how successful you'll be, and offered bupkis until you were a paying customer. Or worse, held back my best stuff until you paid to join my "platinum circle." How many customers would I have? Years ago, lots of people sold this way. Nowadays, drowning in a world of free information on demand, it would be about as effective as drinking poison.

Same thing is true at your workplace. In a 35-year-plus career, I have never had a single idea "stolen" by my definition. I don't know about you, but I want my ideas discussed by as many others as possible, and people can take all the credit for them they want. So if someone goes to the boss first with something you've talked about, I really do think you should congratulate them! They are taking your ideas to higher places, and you want to encourage more of that. Spreading ideas far and wide - and cheering on those who do it - will almost always get you further than hoarding information.

Should you ever worry about people stealing your ideas? Sure, maybe, if they are the top-secret design to your next product or some such. But for the rest of us, I'd say let people steal away!

I can't explain

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This blog title was the name of a 1960s hit by The Who. It is also the key to using social media without turning into a boor. Let me, um, explain...

Say someone posts something. Someone else doesn't like it - and posts a comment saying so. Then the first person responds by explaining their position. The second person still doesn't like it. Invariably the first person usually keeps explaining, and explaining, and explaining some more.

Does it work? Never.

When people don't agree with you, online or in the real world, you can't explain. At least at first. If someone doesn't like your political position, explaining it further will not change their mind. If what you posted offended someone, explaining it will only make you sound defensive. And if someone is ranting, explaining your rational position usually leads to more ranting.

If you want to see an example of this in action, look no further than the comments section of just about any online news story. Some troll posts something that annoys people, someone else takes offense and responds, the troll responds with more trollishness, and they go back and forth at it until everyone is exhausted and gives up. Does anyone ever "see the light" in these discussions? Nope.

So how can you respond to someone else's negativity online? You really only have three choices:

1) Apologize. Apologizing when you offend someone does not diminish you. It enhances you. Unfortunately, most people react the opposite way because they do not get this.

2) Own your truth. If you firmly believe what you write, and someone else disagrees with you, don't try to convince them they are wrong – convince them how firmly you believe in yourself. There is all the difference in the world between "Here are X reasons why I am correct" versus "I respect your view. I see why you feel that way. And I have a different view."

3) Walk away. For example, lots of people post reviews of my books in places like Amazon.com. Most of them are just ducky. Recently, one wasn't very complimentary at all. My response? No response. First, I respect whatever the marketplace thinks of my wares – but more important, nothing I could possibly say would matter. So often, the best answer of all is the lack of one.

All of these revolve around the subtle difference between engaging people versus defending yourself. One approach works and the other doesn't. If you feel differently, you would have to somehow explain it to me. No, wait, scratch that.

Feel the fear and don't do it anyway

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Hi there, all you people who write motivational articles about how to "go for it," "feel the fear and do it anyway," and "get out of your comfort zone." I really appreciate what you are trying to accomplish with these articles.

Now, respectfully, could you all please knock it off?

Over the last two and a half years, I have done a lot of work with people with anxiety disorders. These are not people with quote-unquote too much stress, but rather people who suffer from issues like fears, phobias, and compulsions. They can't board airplanes, drive over bridges, or stop washing their hands 50 times a day. And whether you know it or not, articles like yours are part of their problem.

Since early 2009 I have been running a group program called "Anxiety Camp," and to a man or woman, its participants all tell me the same thing: well-meaning friends and relatives have always pushed them to engage in "Nike therapy" about their fears (e.g. just do it). The results are always the same. At best they suck it up, muddle through fearful situations, and then feel no better the next time they face them. More often they freak out, have setbacks, and end up worse off than where they started. And then everyone assumes that the sufferer simply isn't trying hard enough.

In reality, trying hard *is* the problem. It goes against your neurobiology. Being afraid is a survival instinct that protects us, and when we try to short-circuit that instinct, our subconscious pushes back - hard. So how do you get well from anxiety disorders? In tiny baby steps. While paying a lot of attention to what you tell yourself. That way, you start re-programming your circuits about what is frightening to you, as you gradually expand your comfort zone.

You see, the suck-it-up types want you to face your fears by gritting your teeth, putting your head down, and enduring situations. At best, doing this simply distracts you and teaches you nothing. At worst, it sensitizes you to situations you really want to become *de*-sensitized to. I want you to learn to become fully present in feared situations. And that almost always requires experiencing them gradually.

To be fair, I do understand the value of these motivational articles. Sometimes people decide to make brave, fundamental moves that change their lives. They choose to take control instead of take cover. And sometimes it works. For example, the day I leaped without a net from corporate life into self-employment will always rank up there as one of the most life-affirming things I've ever done.

But that is not the same as dealing with the fears that, statistically, one in five of us struggle with. And when fearful people read these articles - or worse, are handed them by well-meaning others - they become disheartened. And worst of all, don't realize that from a clinical standpoint, these words are often leading them toward illness and not wellness.

Conversely, when people start taking tiny baby steps from within their comfort zone, magic often starts to happen. I've watched this happen over and over. Anxiety scores drop, limits start disappearing, and people develop a renewed sense of faith in themselves. So if you're fearful, remember: learn all you can about your fears. Take things one small step at a time. And stay far away from motivational speakers.

28 Eylül 2012 Cuma

Industry News: Grocery

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Personnel Updates:
Big Y Foods, Inc. announced that Michael P. D'Amour was named Exec VP; Guy W.McFarlane VP Fresh Foods; Michael J. Galat Senior Sirector of Employee Servicesand Nicole D'Amour Schneider as Senior Manager of Pharmacy Services.AndreaWagner, VP of marketing for Save-A-Lot,will be leaving the company at the end of August 2012.

Delhaize Group hasnamed Roland Smith, the former president and chief executive officer ofWendy’s/Arby’s Group, as President and CEO of Delhaize America.
Giant-Landover has appointed Gayle Shields asits Director of Pharmacy Operations.
Piggly Wiggly Carolina Co. hasnamed former store manager Jeff Harrell Director of deli/bakery operations.
Roundy's has hired two new senior executives: Don P. Hamblen as ChiefMarketing Officer and Jessie W. Terry as Chief Human Resource Officer. Hamblensucceeds Ronald Cooper, group vice president, marketing; and Terry succeedsColleen J. Stehold, group vice president, human resources, both of whom haveretired, according to a company spokeswoman.
PilotFlying J
announced that Jimmy Haslam is moving to Chairman and John Compton,former PepsiCo president, is named CEO of the travel center company. Haslam hasserved as CEO of Pilot since 1994. He will assume the role of chairman of PilotFlying J and Maxum Petroleum, and his father, Jim Haslam, who founded thecompany with one gas station in Gate City, Va. in 1958, will be titled founderand chairman emeritus.

Save Mart Supermarkets
has hired two high-level executives: Greg Hill as CFOand Eric J. Nadworny as Chief Human Resources Officer and Chief Legal Officer.

Sprouts Farmers Markets announced thatShon Boney, who has served as CEO since the company's founding in 2002, willassume the role of chairman of the board of Sprouts. Long-time Sproutspresident Doug Sanders will become president and CEO, whereby he will continueto be responsible for all day-to-day aspects of running the business.

SUPERVALU announcedthat Robert Bly joined the company as President of SHOPPERS, a 56-store division in the Baltimore/Washington D.C.market. Bly will report to Chuck Elias, SVP of Retail Operations. Bly replacesTim Lowe, who recently accepted a new leadership role in SUPERVALU’smerchandising organization.
SUPERVALU also announcedthat Kevin Holt has taken on an expanded role as President of SUPERVALU Retail.As part of this change, Exec VP and chief marketing officer Michael Moore willnow report to Holt, as will Tim Lowe, who has been promoted to Exec VP of Merchandising.In addition, Janel Haugarth has accepted the newly created position of Exec VP,Business Optimization and Process Improvement.
SUPERVALUINC. announced that Bill Parker has been named the interim president of FARMFRESH Food & Pharmacy. Parker will replace Gaelo de la Fuente who becamethe company’s president in April 2010 and is leaving the company to pursueother interests. Parker will assume the new role on September 15, 2012.
Mergers and Acquisitions:

AlimentationCouche-Tard Inc.'s subsidiary Circle K Stores Inc. hasclosed on its acquisition of the assets of Orlando,Fla.-based Florida Oil Holdings LLC. The deal consists of 29 directly owned convenience stores with gas stations in thegreater Orlando FL area.

LittleGeneral Store Inc. has taken over of operations of five locations formerlyoperating as Prima Marketing/7-ElevenStores in Washington, Pennsboro, Scott Depot and Hurricane, W.Va., andAlbany, Ohio (the company's first Ohio location). With these five additionallocations, as well as one additional land parcel, plus the takeover of the twoPrima Marketing/7-Eleven sites in Princeton and Kegley, W.Va., in April, LittleGeneral Stores have now taken over a total of eight locations from PrimaMarketing/7-Eleven in 2012.

Industry Insight:
DeCicco's isplanning on opening its ninth loctation in Westchester/Putnam in Harrison, NY.

Real Estate:Heinen's Fine Foods will open its 18thstore in a Chicago suburb where the company has spent $10 millionbuilding its first location outside Ohio. The 38,000-sq. ft. store willfeature nearly everything the company's Ohio stores do, but it will not offerparcel pick-up service.

ThorntonsInc., an independent gasoline/convenience-store retailer, will open its firstFlorida location in Clearwater on the site of the former Krispy Kreme doughnut shop in late November 2012.
Whole Foods Market said it will triple its store count to 1,000,adding locations in smaller markets and underserved communities. The chain,which will open its first Detroit store in 2013, is in talks to bring stores toparts of Chicago and Newark, N.J., which have little access to fresh food
Green Initiatives:

Giant Eagle was recognized by the Environmental ProtectionAgency for the fourth time in five years as having the lowest corporation widerate of refrigerant leakage among retailers in the GreenChill AdvancedRefrigeration Partnership. The award was announced during FMI's Energy &Store Development Conference.


K-VA-T Food Stores upgraded to an LED lighting system in vertical refrigerated and frozencases.

Grocery chain Food Cityshould save $337,000 a year in lighting and maintenance costs following theinstallation of GE Lighting.
Wawa Inc. installedvertical refrigerated display lighting with Immersion RV30 LED technology fromGE Lighting. In addition, GE helped the operator of more than 600 conveniencestore/gas station locations drive down energy consumption. As a result, Wawanow enjoys combined energy and maintenance savings.

Industry News: Drug Stores and Health & Beauty Care Chains

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Personnel Updates:
H. D. Smith, one of the nation’s largest pharmaceuticalwholesalers, named Timothy Booth to corporate VP and head of its homehealthcare division.
McKesson announced that Brian Tyler has been appointed Exec VPCorporate Strategy and Business Development, effective immediately.
Financial Focus:
Walgreens reported fiscal 2012 sales $71.64 billion.
Industry Insight
Kroger Co. is placing self-usehealth screening kiosks in all of its 1,950 pharmacy locations. KrogerHealthCenter kiosks allow customers to measure blood pressure, weight, bodycomposition, body mass index, color vision and the ability to upload bloodglucose numbers and other biometric data. Kroger customers can create personalhealth record accounts, which can be accessed at Kroger.com. The grocer hasbeen piloting the kiosks in about 275 pharmacy locations since January, andthey are currently available in Cincinnati, Lexington and Denver. Most pharmacylocations will have the kiosks by early 2013.
Walgreens will close 76 USADrug-affiliated stores by November as part of its acquisition of Stephen L.LaFrance Pharmacy. Walgreensannounced the LaFrance acquisition in July and expects it to be finalized inmid-September.

Mergers and Acquisitions:

Kinney Drugs wrapped up an acquisitionof four independent pharmacies in central New York and Vermont. The regionaldrug chain now operates a total of 94 drug stores in upstate New York andVermont with the addition of the new locations. Two of the acquired pharmacieswere converted and remerchandised and will operate under the Kinney Drugs name,while the other two pharmacies were closed and their prescription files andinventory transferred to neighboring Kinney locations.

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Personnel Updates:AdvanceAuto Parts announced the appointmentof Kevin Dempsey as VP Global and Front Room Merchandising.
AdvanceAuto Parts announced the promotionof Kurt Schumacher to Senior VP, National Field Operations. Mr. Schumacher’sresponsibilities include leading the operations of the Company’s nearly 3,500Advance Auto Parts stores and asset protection.
AdvanceAuto Parts announced the promotionof Joe Gonzalez to Area Senior Vice President. Mr. Gonzalez will be responsiblefor leading the Company’s store operations in Florida, the Southeast, PuertoRico, and the Virgin Islands.
AdvanceAuto Parts has promoted Rusty Tweedy to area Senior VP,responsible for store operations in the Mid-Atlantic regions.
AutoZone,Inc., announced that Ron Griffin hasjoined the company as Senior VP and Chief Information Officer, CustomerSatisfaction.
Best BuyCo. announced that Hubert Joly, former head of global hospitality companyCarlson and turnaround expert, will be the new CEO and President.  Joly succeeds Mike Mikan, a boardmember who has served as interim CEO since April when former CEO Brian Dunnleft Best Buy because of what the company called an improper relationship withan employee.
Big Lots,Inc. announced several executive promotions and organizationalchanges.  LisaM. Bachmann has been promoted to Exec VP, COO.  In her new role, she will assumeresponsibility for Store Operations, while retaining responsibility for theMerchandise Planning and Allocation, Information Technology and Distributionand Transportation Services departments. Ms. Bachmann will continue to serve asthe company's Chief Information Officer. Charles W. Haubiel II has beenpromoted to Exec VP, Chief Administrative Officer. In his new role, he willassume responsibility for the Human Resources and Loss Prevention departments,while retaining responsibility for the Legal and Real Estate departments. Mr.Haubiel will continue to serve as the company's General Counsel and Corporate Secretary. John C. Martin has beenpromoted to Exec VP, Chief Merchandising Officer. In his new role, he willassume responsibility for the company's Merchandising, Global Sourcing andMarketing departments.
Timothy A. Johnson has beenpromoted to Senior VP, CFO. In his new role, he will assume responsibility forthe Treasury and Risk Management departments and will now have responsibilityfor overseeing all of the financial activities of the company. Michael A. Schlonsky has beenpromoted to Senior VP, Human Resources. Big Lots also announced today that Douglas N. Wurl,Executive VP, Merchandising, has resigned his position with the company. 
DrivenBrands announced that CEO Ken Walker has retired.  The company has appointed Jonathan Fitzpatrick, to replacehim as CEO.
FamilyDollar Stores Inc. announced that Holly Shaskey-Platek has beenappointed to serve as Senior VP Merchandising.
FamilyDollar Stores announced that Don P. Hamblen its Senior VP Customer Marketing, has left the companyand joined Roundy’s.
Liquor Stores N.A. Ltd., announced thatRick Crook, President & Chief Executive Officer of the Company since 2009,has tendered his resignation as President & Chief Executive Officer and asa member of the Board of Directors. Concurrent with Mr. Crook's resignation,the Board of Directors has appointed Jim Dinning, Chairman of the Board, toserve as Interim Chief Executive Officer until Rick's successor is appointed.

The PepBoys – Manny, Moe & Jack appointed Thomas Carey to thenewly created position of Senior VP, Chief Customer Officer. In this newposition, Carey will be responsible for guiding the company’s customerexperience strategies and tactics, as well as leading the development andexecution of its marketing strategies. Carey most recently served as the Senior VP and Chief Marketing Officerfor Orchard Supply Hardware.
The PepBoys – Manny, Moe & Jack announced that David Stern, hasjoined the company as Exec VP, CFO,effective Sept. 10, where he will oversee the finance function, as well astechnology and corporate development.  Stern most recently served as Exec VP, Chief Administrative Officerand CFO for A.C. Moore Arts and Crafts.
RestorationHardware is reorganizing its leadership team to better align with the company'snew strategy to develop new lines of business including apparel, accessories,footwear and jewelry while maintaining existing home business.In order to execute this plan, Gary Friedman, the current chairman andco-CEO of Restoration Hardware, will become the founder, chairman, and CEO ofHierarchy, a newly created company with Restoration Hardware owning a minoritystake. Friedman will continue to be involved with Restoration Hardware in anexclusive advisory role. Friedman will remain the largest individualshareholder of Restoration Hardware and will serve as a non-director advisor tothe board in his role as chairman emeritus. Carlos Alberini, co-CEO ofRestoration Hardware, will become Restoration Hardware’s sole CEO and will leadall major functions of the business.  J. Michael Chu, a managing partner of Catterton Partners,will assume the role of Chairman of the Board of Restoration Hardware.                         Shopko has named Craig Gourley as its new Senior VP, GMMHome and Hardlines. 
Shopkoannounced that it has expanded the role of Tom Abbott, to now include oversightof the company's consumables division.  His new title will be Senior VPProduct Development, GMM Consumables.
TuesdayMorning announced that it has named former Big Lots head Brady Churches as itsnew CEO, stepping in for former CEO Kathleen Mason who was terminated by thecompany in June.
Walmart announcedthat Senior VP Lisa Rhodes has left the company to become CEO for fashionretailer Dots.

Industry Insight: AutoZone opened its newest store in Wasilla, Alaska. This location marks thecompany's 5,000th store and its entry into Alaska.
EverythingFor A Dollar Store is closing 23 locations across the country as thediscount retail chain rebrands itself. The store closings will allow the company to rebrand and open five new locations next month with12 more in the New Year.  The newstores will have a new format, bigger space and a bigger selection.
Ritz Camera & Image LLC, oncethe largest U.S. chain of specialty camera shops, won court permission toliquidate after failing to find a buyer willing to keep the business and itsremaining 137 stores open.  Theliquidation process has begun.
TargetCorp. has begun remodeling 30 stores to expand their fresh-food offerings;construction on all 30 stores is slated for an October 2012 completion.
Toys “R”Us announced that by the end of 2012 it will have opened eight new storesand remodeled 13 existing locations to the side-by-side Toys “R” Us/Babies “R”Us model.Williams-Sonoma expectsto open forty one locations by its current fiscal year end.  The company also expects to closethirty three locations during the same time frame.  These moves touch each of the company’s store nameplates.

Real Estate:hhgregg stillplans 20 to 22 new store openings in fiscal 2013 despite recent challengingfinancials.
PetSupplies Plus has signed leases for three new stores in theDelaware Valley, totaling more than 26,000 sq. ft.  All three stores are slated to open prior to year’s end.

Green Initiatives/Sustainability:Costco hasbegun selling EcoScraps, which is composed of overripe produce that wouldotherwise have rotted is the feedstock, for the startup manufacturer’s organiccompost and potting soil.
OfficeDepot’s store in Portland, Ore., will be the country’s first to offer productsbearing the EcoSense label for electronic merchandise.  Products with the EcoSense label willbe identified with Gold, Silver, and Bronze ratings based on criteria thatreflect several categories of environmental attributes, covering the fulllife-cycle of electronic products.
WalmartStores Inc. has introduced its first onsite large-scale windturbine project, unveiled at its DC in Red Bluff, Calif.  The wind turbine, expected to beoperational by this fall, will provide roughly one megawatt of power or 15% to20% of the distribution center's yearly electrical use.  The GE SLE 1.0 megawatt wind turbine,equal to the height of a 20-story building, is projected to produceapproximately 2,200,000 kilowatt hours annually.  Under the power purchase agreement, Foundation Windpowerinstalls, owns, and operates the wind turbine and Walmart purchases the powerproduced under a long-term agreement. The installation will move Walmart closer to its goal to be supplied by100% renewable energy.
Wal-MartStores announced that its new store in Portland, Ore., will feature thestate’s largest green roof.  The 90,000-sq.-ft. store, which recently broke ground in North Portland,will be topped by a 40,600-sq.-ft. green roof, surpassing by more than 10,000sq. ft. the current largest green roof over the Ramona apartment complex inPortland.

Technology News:Walmart haslaunched new applications for the iPhone and iPad designed to give itscustomers tools to plan their weekly shopping trips as well as a new way toaccess Walmart both in-store and online. The new apps will enable millions ofcustomers to enjoy an enhanced, seamless shopping experience across Walmart’s3,800 U.S. stores and Walmart.com through mobile devices.  The announcement builds on Walmart’scommitment to technology innovation for the next generation of commerce. Thetwo free applications are the first of several mobile products to be rolled outfrom the recently formed WalmartLabs group under Walmart’s Global eCommerceunit. The iPhone application features new updates that include smart shoppinglists with integrated access to manufacturers’ coupons and support for QR codescanning. Walmart’s first-ever iPad application delivers a rich experience thatallows customers to browse, search and purchase their favorite items online, aswell as the ability to browse the inventory of their local store from thecomfort of their home.

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Personnel Update:Do itBest Corp. announced that Amanda Harmeyer, the former Associate MerchandiseManager for Housewares, has been promoted to Merchandise Manager for CleaningSupplies and Storage, a newly created position.
HavertyFurniture Companies, INC.,announced that Clarence H. Smith has been elected chairman succeeding L.Phillip "Phil" Humann who was elected lead director.
OrchardSupply Hardware announced thatSenior VP and Chief Marketing Officer    Thomas Carey has left the company to become Senior VP,Chief Customer Officer, a newlycreated position, for The Pep Boys –Manny, Moe & Jack.

Mergers and Acquisitions:InterlineBrands, Inc. announced the completion of its acquisition byaffiliates of Goldman Sachs CapitalPartners ("GS Capital Partners") and P2 Capital Partners, LLC ("P2 Capital Partners" or"P2").

Industry Insight:AshleyFurniture Industries Inc. plans to open about 50 bedding stores, underthe Zzz's By Ashley banner in 2012.The sleep shops will average about 4,500 sq. ft. each, and will offer awide selection of mattresses and sleep accessories.
BarrLumber Co. Inc., a pro dealer that recently operated fiveSouthern California locations, has closed three locations and now operates fromtwo locations.
McCoy’sBuilding Supply announced plans to open its first new locationsince 2007, with a store in Tyler, Texas.  The store will mark theregional company’s 84th unit overall as it celebrates its 85th anniversary.  The new store will also feature a newstore design that focuses on energy conservation while decreasing itsconstruction timeline. A smaller, more efficient store further supports McCoy’s fundamental beliefthat its customers want to get in, get out and get back to building as quicklyas possible. Construction on the store broke ground in August.
OrchardSupply Hardware opened a 50,000-sq.-ft. store in Torrance, Calif.,showcasing the company’s new store format.   Orchard’snewest location is at the site of a former Kmart store and marks the company’s89th store in the state of California.
ProBuildHoldings Inc., cut 127 corporate positions across itsoperations nationwide “to reduce costs and better serve customers.  The job cuts were across alldepartments and geographic areas, although most of the cuts were administrationpositions, including jobs in finance and human resources.
Westlake Ace Hardware has closed one of its two storesin Independence, MO.

Green Initiatives/Sustainability:HomeDepot has begun selling EcoScraps, which is composed of overripe produce thatwould otherwise have rotted is the feedstock, for the startup manufacturer’s organiccompost and potting soil.

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Heinen's Fine Foods will open its 18th store in a Chicago suburb where the company has spent $10 million building its first location outside OhioThe 38,000-sq. ft. store will feature nearly everything the company's Ohio stores do, but it will not offer parcel pick-up service.

Thorntons Inc., an independent gasoline/convenience-store retailer, will open its first Florida location in Clearwater on the site of the former Krispy Kreme doughnut shop in late November 2012.
Whole Foods Market said it will triple its store count to 1,000, adding locations in smaller markets and underserved communities. The chain, which will open its first Detroit store in 2013, is in talks to bring stores to parts of Chicago and Newark, N.J., which have little access to fresh food.

16 Handles is opened four new locations in the New York metro area.
Bennigan’s Franchising Company and shopping center owner Brixmor Property Group formed a strategic partnership to market Bennigan’s franchising opportunities at select Brixmor centers; the two companies are now evaluating up to 30 potential locations for Bennigan’s restaurants for the initial phase of the partnership.
Buffalo Wild Wings announced an agreement for four locations in Puerto Rico by the end of 2016.
Del Taco announced a development agreement for 20 locations in new markets in AL and north FL; the first store is planned for early 2013.
Dunkin' Donuts announced that the company is recruiting franchisees for the markets of Reno, NV; Wichita and Topeka, KS; as well as portions of TX, including territories in the western, southern and eastern portions of the state that include cities such as Amarillo and Corpus Christi. The company expects that restaurants in these markets will begin to open in 2014. Dunkin’ Donuts also signed a multi-unit store development agreement for 24 new restaurants in AL over the next several years and four more agreements for 29 restaurants in Houston and Waco between 2013 and 2019.
F2o Holding (dba Fresh To Order) plans to open at least 25 new restaurants in the Carolinas over the next four years and is actively seeking franchisees statewide.
Front Burner Brands (dba Burger21) is targeting the Atlanta area for expansion.
Garbanzo Mediterranean Grill awarded franchise development rights for 10 locations in OK.
Habit Restaurants LLC announced plans to open four additional restaurants in Orange County CA by the end of the year.
Jamba Juice Inc. signed a five-store development agreement for CT.
Mama Fu's Asian House plans to open 20 locations across AL in the next few years, including six in Birmingham.
Moe’s Southwest Grill will open 25 new locations throughout the Midwest.
On The Border Mexican Grill & Cantina is remodeling its locations, using a quieter color palate, a large screened-in patio, and a more open kitchen.
Pancheros Mexican Grill announced five development agreements, adding 39 locations, which include its first commitments on the West Coast. The new commitments will open restaurants in three new states including CA, NV, OR, and additional units in MN.
Papa John’s is hoping to entice new franchisees by offering an incentive package that includes no franchise fee, $50K in equipment, royalty waiver for up to 18 months, and $3K food credit with PJ Food Service.
Pizza Patrón has executed a development agreement with SA Pizza, Inc. to bring eight more stores to the San Antonio area within the next 31 months. Pizza Patron also opened up the San Diego DMA for development and plans to add 15 more locations in the market. Pizza Patron is also expanding in the Chicago metro area, with 30+ locations being projected for the DMA.
Pizza Ranch has opened its first restaurant in Billings MT that also marks the first location in the state.
Quaker Steak & Lube signed a three-unit development agreement for cities in ND and SD.
TCBY is looking to add 20 stores in the Dallas/Ft. Worth TX market and 25 stores in Chicago in the next three to five years.

American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. announced it plans to expand in the Philippines.
American Rag is looking to open a New York flagship. Aiming to open the store by spring 2013, the retailer is considering spaces ranging from 3,000 sq. ft. to 17,000 sq. ft.
The Bon-Ton Stores Inc. said that it plans to close its Carson's store in the River Oaks Mall in Calumet City, Ill., when the lease expires in January. 
Cabela’s Inc. announced plans for new stores, including its first-ever locations in Virginia and Delaware. Construction is expected to begin on the new locations in 2013, with the stores expected to open in 2014. Cabela’s said it will build an 85,000 sq. ft. store in The Falls, in Bristol, VA and a 100,000 sq. ft. store adjacent to Christiana Mall in Christiana, DE. Cabela's Inc. plans to build a 50,000 sq. ft. store in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada in the new Grasslands Shopping Centre. The new store is expected to in fall 2013 or spring 2014.
Chico’s will open a 2,369 sq. ft. Soma Intimates store this fall at Will Grove Park, located in Willow Grove, PA.
Dick's Sporting Goods opened stores in Bluffton, SC, Clovis, CA, and Oxnard, CA.
Dots LLC announced that it plans to grow into a 1,000-store national fashion retailer.
DSW Inc. has opened stores in Mesquite, TX, and West Covina, CA. DSW Inc. announced the opening of a new store at Coldwater and Coliseum in Fort Wayne, IN. The company plans to open 27 new stores in the second half of the year.
The Gymboree Corp. will open a 2,505 sq. ft. Crazy 8 store this fall at Moorestown Mall in Moorestown, NJ.
Hibbett Sports is on track to open 55 to 60 new stores by the end of fiscal 2013. The company also plans to expand approximately 15 high-performing stores and close up to 18 underperforming stores by the end of the fiscal year.
Joe's Jeans Inc. has opened a 2,700 sq. ft. West Coast flagship store on Melrose Place in Los Angeles.
Nordstrom Inc. will open its outlet format Nordstrom Rack at The Newbury in Boston’s Back Bay area. The bi-level, 38,000 sq. ft. store is scheduled to open in spring 2013. It will replace the former Filene’s Basement space.
Nordstrom Inc. plans to open full-line stores in The Woodlands, TX, and Jacksonville, FL in fall 2014.
PVH Corp. will open its first freestanding Calvin Klein location in Alberta, Canada. The 10,000 sq. ft. store will be located at the Cross Iron Mills Shopping Centre. It will be the fifth Calvin Klein lifestyle location to open in Canada, with a total of approximately 40 stores planned for the next five years.
Saks Inc. will open its ninth Texas location of Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH. The new 27,548 sq. ft. store will be located in Grand Prairie at the new Paragon Outlets. The company also announced it will close its Highland Park, IL store located in Renaissance Place, and its Austin, TX store located in the Arboretum Market. Both stores are slated to close on Dec. 31.
Spanx is gearing up to expand into standalone branded stores, starting with the U.S., in the fourth quarter. Three stores are scheduled to open in October located in Virginia, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. There is also a Spanx store slated for the international terminal at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson airport.