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Since some people seem to forget, I will remind them.
The Constitution, Bill of Rights Amendment I:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
With my blog I am using my freedom of speech to express my concerns and report on wrongdoings done by those in and by those who work for the government. I am listing my grievances here and asking for change and for things to be set right. One of my biggest grievances right now is against VDOT. So I am showing everyone what they are doing. Only those without morals or values would work for VDOT since they destroy the land, our atmosphere, wildlife habitats, and human habitats. Only those without education or intelligence would allow themselves to be brainwashed into believing their lies for doing so. Neither my daughter or I have ever trespassed on anyone's personal property to take pictures. They have been taken from public property, and are depicting state work. If there are workers in the pictures, so be it. I am taking pictures of what the VDOT workers are doing. If you are driving down the road, the state takes pictures of you. If you go into a store, the store takes pictures of you. My daughter and I took pictures of VDOT DESTROYING THE LAND!
There are quite a few uneducated people around here who are all for this road/bridge work. They say there is so much traffic on this road. Actually there isn't much traffic at all. Live in a city and you will see what real traffic is. Some say there is a lot of eighteen wheelers on this road. Not true. The majority of them take I81. Some large trucks have always come down this road to deliver to stores around. The road could accommodate them then just like it can now. Some say the bridges were old and dangerous. Well, they were old, but they did not need to be replaced with bridges large enough to span a river. They were a hell of a lot safer than the low-water bridges and those are not being replaced. Some say the current road is not wide enough for the traffic. Well, the new road is still going to be two lanes too. That isn't changing. Did the trucks and vehicles gain weight and become blimps? Some say the wide shoulders are needed for all the traffic. How many people do you see driving on road shoulders, except to stop for some reason? Why do Americans think everything has to be large? Have you seen how narrow some of the roads are in other countries? But Americans can't stand anything small. VDOT always uses the "we're making the roads safer" excuse and it is unbelievable how there are so many idiots who believe them. The only way the roads would be made safer is if VDOT did brain transplants in all the idiots who either drink and drive or simply don't pay attention while driving. There are plenty of drunks who drink and drive, including some around this area. The roads could be ten lanes wide and still not be safe. Larger roads don't change the fact that there are idiot drivers. VDOT does not need to clear huge swaths of land large enough to house a town in order to replace a two-lane bridge. I, personally, would rather have trees to make oxygen so that I could breathe instead of some wide road releasing carcinogens. I am sure all future generations will thank VDOT and all you VDOT supporters for removing so many trees. If no one fights them, they will continue to destroy the land. YOU are ensuring that less oxygen is created and more carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere, because you support those actions. But then the people who are for VDOT, are uneducated and can't comprehend these things. They are the mindless drones.
Here is what one person said about the VDOT workers, " They are not evil and don't deserve to be harassed and threatened while they are working." Where did they pull this lie out of? I wish they were being harassed and threatened, just like they have done to my family. I wish someone would do back to them exactly what they have done to us. We moved here with no knowledge of the future plans for this area. We were from Richmond City. The real estate agent didn't say shit. No one knew anything until VDOT intruded into our lives demanding our property. Since the septic field could not be moved elsewhere, they had to buy the whole property. The health department said the house would have to be condemned if they cut into the septic field. VDOT called to harass us and demanded to come onto our property over and over before they owned it. They told us that we had to leave our home before they owned it. They called and harassed us demanding to know when we would be leaving before they owned it. We were just trying to live our lives! WE DIDN'T DESERVE TO BE HARASSED AND THREATENED! VDOT made a copy of the contract we had with my father. They knew we were the rightful and legal owners. Yet they gave him the money and us nothing. Then we were told we would have to pay one rental price. Then they came back with a higher price. Then they came back and told us to get rid of our livestock and that we would have to leave. They knew our finances and that we had no where to go. They knew they were going to make us homeless. But the people who work for VDOT do NOT care-they are heartless. They had trucks and workers come and tear up the property from carelessness. They allowed workers to totally block up the driveway. They turned the power on and off without prior notification. Their workers treated us disrespectfully when we asked them not to block our driveway. All this before they owned it. It hasn't let up. They still harass and threaten us. We have had to live in a state of anxiety because of VDOT. Because of VDOT, a third of our livestock flock was brutally killed last week. I'll be posting about that, with pictures, later. My daughter did take some of the mangled bodies to show some of the workers what consequence their actions had created. But like the uneducated people they are, they could not comprehend cause and effect. All they did was make unintelligent comments. I told her not to waste her breath on them. They have no desire to be anything but uneducated. A perfect example of what is wrong with America.
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