2013 - 41st Annual Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Summer Horsemanship School Program
Registration is now open for 2013 school requests.
Register Online
Register by phone: 979-845-2604
Deposits of $300 will be required (Please submit by Jan. 31st).
Cost of 2-day school: $1300
Topics: Rein aids, hipping-in, side-passing, two-tracking, bridling-up (collection), stopping, backing, rollbacks, turnarounds (spins), gaits and leads, speed control, simple and flying lead changes, bits and equipment, horse theft awareness, ground safety, and other specialized events.
Past 40 years: Over the past 40 consecutive years, a total of 1,344 schools have been conducted. Collectively, the program has reached 46,990 youth, parents, and volunteer leaders, and it represents 3,829 teaching days, for a total of 30,632 teaching hours. There have been 235 different college students (184 female, 51 male) who have served as instructors in the program.
More Information: Click on link below. Then click on Summer Horsemaship School Program.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
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