7 Ekim 2012 Pazar

Company Snapshot: Fairway Group Holdings Corp.

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Fairway Group Holdings Corp.
Address:2284 12th AveNew York, NY 10027
Telephone:646 616-8000
Internet Homepage:www.fairwaymarket.com
Total Current Stores:11
Trading Areas:NY, NJ, CT
Total Revenue:$554.8 million
Senior Executives:Herbert Ruetsch – CEOWilliam E. Sanford – CFO, President
Fairway Group Holdings Corp., owner of 11 FairwayFoods upscale supermarkets in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, has filed thepaperwork with the US Securities and Exchange Commission for an initial publicoffering. It hopes the IPO will generate funds to fuel future growth of threeto four stores a year.

The company, which was founded by the Glickberg family as a neighborhood storein the 1930’s, says in the public filing that "we believe, based on thesedemographics, we have the opportunity to more than triple the number of storesin our existing marketing region, that the Northeast market (from New Englandto the District of Columbia) can support up to 90 stores and the U.S. marketcan support more than 300 additional stores (including stores in the Northeast)operating under our current format."

According to sales data from the filing, Fairway operates at an astounding $1,400yearly sales per square foot, a figure that rivals the top operators in thesupermarket industry.

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