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BROWNWOOD – Younger 4-H members, ages 9-14, will have an opportunity to honetheir skills in several 4-H programming areas during the Junior LeadershipRetreat set Nov. 9-11 at the Texas 4-H Conference Center on Lake Brownwood.
“The Junior Leadership Retreat features Texas 4-H Council members conductinghands-on educational workshops with younger 4-H members,” said Mark Carroll,conference center program director. “This year’s program will focus onincreasing knowledge and skills in five 4-H project areas, golf challenge, foodshow/recipe rally, science engineering and technology, sport fishing and theany soldier project.”
Carroll said the retreat starts with registration at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 9,followed by general orientation at 9 p.m., with adult chaperone orientation at9:30 p.m.
Nov. 10 activities start at 7:30 a.m., followed by a flag ceremony andbreakfast, with the first of the day’s three general assemblies beginning at8:30 a.m. The remainder of the day will be devoted to concurrent sessionsfeaturing the five programming areas. The evening activities will start at 6:15p.m. with a flag lowering ceremony and dinner, followed by a presentation onstate and national opportunities for 4-H youth at 7:30 p.m., and a costumedtheme dance immediately after.
Adjournment is set for 11 a.m. Nov. 11.
“While this is learning retreat, the main ingredient underlying the wholeweekend is a sense of fun,” Carroll said. “The State 4-H Council members takepride in showcasing their creativity which will become apparent at the SaturdayNight Theme Dance. They’re asking participants to come dressed as theirfavorite character from the Avenger comic series. All the council members planto be in costume, so it should prove to be fun for everyone.”
Carroll stressed that each county sending 4-H youth to the retreat mustprovide adult chaperones for the weekend.
Individual registration is $105 for youth and $70 for adult chaperones. Thefees include two-nights lodging, four meals, snacks and program fees. Onlineregistration is currently available through Nov. 5 at: .
For more information, contact Carroll at 325-784-5482, .
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