19 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

No time to blog

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Well, we've been busy here. I am fortunate enough to be employed so that I can pick and choose when to work. I generally try to work in double shifts if I can, to minimize the number of trips that I make to Jamestown, and this week, I have picked up two of them. It allows me to spend more time at home getting things done, and I like that. I think Tim appreciates it too.

Having the ability to arrange my schedule gave me an opportunity to really focus on getting two apartments ready for showing, and we were able to get them all rented, and to a good bunch of people. The first time for 100% occupancy.

Since the discovery of the dead mouse decomposing somewhere in the truck, I have also discovered broccoli on the floor of the backseat of the car. It was a humbling experience, yet oddly gratifying, because I was dead certain that I had bought three packages of fresh broccoli when I was making broccoli cheese soup, and by gum, I was right!!! If you did not noticed, decomposing broccoli has a strong smell. (Just one of the little bits of knowledge I offer up to you at no charge.)

In Allentown, Hurricane Sandy got quite awful. Brittani and Dylan were afraid that their windows would blow out in the high winds. Even in Altoona, where Cara lives, there were evacuations, trees down everywhere, power outages and flooding. Here where I live, we discovered that one small boy in footed jammies can wreak way more havoc than the outer edges of any ol' hurricane. His mother had forgotten his bink, and because he is generally too busy to need it during the day here, we did not make the realization until bedtime.

I've been working on a very exciting project with my sister that has taken a lot of my time, and proved to be a wonderful sister-time.

We're going to hear Ken Davis next week with friends, and I am looking forward to that as well.

An issue that has weighed so heavily on my mind for months now seems to be on the verge of resolution, which brings me such happiness I cannot tell you.

Friday is my job interview (9:30 AM), and I'm excited about that as well. My co-worker Tahme was going to get her eyebrows done and convinced me that all that was standing between me and the job is a good eyebrow waxing. I think she just did not want to cry by herself. We went and had an uproariously good time.

It is nice to work in such an environment. I walked away from the last job feeling like quite a loser. I am starting to feel that the problem was not me. Everyone is so excited about my job interview, and it was wonderful to hear that some of them have 'put in a good word for me'.

Life just seems so full and rich lately, and I am feel very lucky to have friends and family like I do. The job has been a blessing. Is it possible for life to be perfect? Because that's sort of what I feel like.

 So that's it, really, a mish mash of what keeps me away from blogging.

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