20 Kasım 2012 Salı

Thank You, Anonymous!

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I was made aware of the attack on Monsanto by Anonymous, but I was just too ill to write about it.  I thank you, Anonymous, with all my heart. They deserved it.  Monsanto isn't the only big biotech/chemical company, but they are by far the worst one. They need to be taken down permanently. That would be difficult to achieve when they hold key positions in various sectors of our government. Monsanto wants to monopolize and control the world's food supply. They push their genetically inferior and harmful GMOs on every country. They are destroying the earth's genetic diversity in plants. Monsanto attacks farmers whose fields were contaminated by their GMOs when the farmers refused to grow them. They bribe our government into threatening other countries to push GMOs. Monsanto pollutes and poisons the entire earth and everything on it with all their pesticides and herbicides. They are affecting every living creature's DNA with their GMOs, pesticides, and herbicides. They are killing people. And all in the name of money.

I am glad Anonymous saw that Monsanto is obstructing Freedom and democracy with their practices, and decided to attack them. I hope Anonymous continues to fight against them. We are not given a choice here in America. Monsanto and the government has taken that Right away from us. Anonymous added one more bullet against Monsanto. Thank you.

There are others fighting against Monsanto and the other biotech companies. A group of family farmers, organic farmers, and seed companies recently filed a lawsuit against Monsanto. You can find out more at: Lawsuit Against Monsanto. Another good site to check out is: The Center For Food Safety. To join others in the fight for GMO labeling, check out: Say No To GMOs. There are many others. Of course, you can always write to your congress members. Yeah, I know they don't seem to listen, but it can't hurt to bring these issues to their attention, especially if enough people do it. Everyone needs to join in and fight against these biotech companies.

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