14 Eylül 2012 Cuma

2013 4-H Recipe Rally Overview & Guidelines Available!

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Information and guidelines for the 2013 4-H Recipe Rally arenow available.  They are attached to this e-mail and posted online:  http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/healthy_lifestyles.
In the 4-H Recipe Rally, intermediate and senior 4-H membersare challenged with selecting, creating and/or altering a recipe and submittinga video of them preparing the recipe.  The video should highlight the 4-Hmember demonstrating the preparation of the recipe while also highlightingnutrients, food safety practices, serving size and cost analysis, as well astheir inspiration for selection or creation of the recipe.  Entries aresubmitted onlineand due by midnight on February 1, 2013.  From there, the top threeintermediate and senior 4-H members will be invited to compete in the 4-HRecipe Rally during Texas 4-H Roundup next June.
More information and resources are available on the healthylifestyles program page, noted above.  Questions may be directed to Courtney Dodd at cfdodd@ag.tamu.edu or 979.845.6533.

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