21 Eylül 2012 Cuma

I Was Notified Today That Virginia Doesn't Allow Freedom of Speech

I was really sick all weekend and then had to deal with this today. Some days I can hardly get out of bed from being so ill. Other days are better days as far as my health and I can function like a human. Today I felt better than I had over the weekend and I thought it would be an okay day, until this happened. Now my fever has spiked high and I am feeling quite unwell again. Stress and anxiety make it worse. Two state troopers and a VDOT worker came to our home today. Instead of our neighbor walking over to talk to us nicely, she left extremely rude and uninformed comments on my blog. Our neighbor's behavior went beyond pettiness and was lower than any human I have ever known. They whined to their VDOT friends and turned my blog over to the State of Virginia. Wasn't that so nice of them? Don't you wish you had neighbors like that? What great human beings they are. They should inspire us all to be just like them. Instead of being nice and caring, let's all be petty and vindictive. Let's all be cruel, heartless people.

VDOT lied to the state troopers. They told the police we could stay in our home, when they had told us we had to leave. VDOT had told us that they did not want to be landlords and were going to sell the house. But of course, they lied to the police. They wouldn't want to look bad, now would they?

The state trooper started off by asking me how I was. At that moment I knew he'd read my blog and that this was happening due to the neighbors. I didn't answer him. I just looked in his eyes and I already knew what he was going to say. Then he asked me if I wrote this blog. Why lie? I hate liars. So I said yes.

The state trooper then told me that some of the things I had written could be construed as threats. For example the voodoo doll part. It was a joke! A fucking joke! And the state sees a voodoo doll joke as a threat! So listen up everyone- you CAN NOT joke about making a voodoo doll in America. I guess Spencer's and other such places should now be banned from selling joke voodoo dolls (or the ones sold in coin machines). But the trooper said it could be seen as threatening. He was being totally serious. Does he and our government actually believe the nonsense that a voodoo doll can harm someone? What century is this? WHAT CENTURY? I guess if you are an individual who believes in such things in America, you will be denied your freedom of religion; at least in Virginia. Oh, and when I'd written about the machete- it was a thought created out of anger at being threatened. Merely a thought, but apparently I do have control of myself because I did nothing. You would be a liar if you said you never had an angry thought. Humans are not saintly, nor gods. We have basic primal instincts that create such thoughts. You threaten any mother animal and she will attack you. We have those same primal instincts, but it is our higher level of thought processing that prevents us from actually taking action like an animal. But apparently a mere fleeting thought after being threatened is also considered a threat in Virginia. Virginians- you CAN NOT have an angry thought ever, so I guess you should stop being human.

The trooper told me that I would have to watch what I write on my blog. So I said, "Oh, so we don't actually have the freedom of speech in Virginia." You should have seen his expression. He told me that the Commonwealth had read my blog and that I could not write certain things or anything that could be construed as a threat. He said a judge could see it whatever way he wanted (isn't that the truth and it would not be for the citizen). Well, wouldn't that be my entire blog? Because I do not agree with the entire government's corruption. So Virginia wants to tell people that they do not have the freedom of speech, which is our First Amendment Right. If you have to watch what you say or write, then you do not have FREEDOM. Celebrating for freedom and independence on July 4th is a complete farce.

I love how they came after me for writing, but my ex-husband beat me to the point that I had to go to the hospital and he threatened to kill me more than once. He almost did on a couple of occasions. Our Virginia Judicial System did nothing to him. Nothing! But I get threatened by a cop about being taken to court by the state for writing my thoughts and opinions. It is a shame that a government can threaten a family over something as the freedom of speech when those who actually harm others are not bothered.

For all of this, we have our rude neighbors to thank. Some people are totally disrespectful.

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