21 Eylül 2012 Cuma

Industry News: Drug Stores and Health & Beauty Care Chains

Personnel Updates:
H. D. Smith, one of the nation’s largest pharmaceuticalwholesalers, named Timothy Booth to corporate VP and head of its homehealthcare division.
McKesson announced that Brian Tyler has been appointed Exec VPCorporate Strategy and Business Development, effective immediately.
Financial Focus:
Walgreens reported fiscal 2012 sales $71.64 billion.
Industry Insight
Kroger Co. is placing self-usehealth screening kiosks in all of its 1,950 pharmacy locations. KrogerHealthCenter kiosks allow customers to measure blood pressure, weight, bodycomposition, body mass index, color vision and the ability to upload bloodglucose numbers and other biometric data. Kroger customers can create personalhealth record accounts, which can be accessed at Kroger.com. The grocer hasbeen piloting the kiosks in about 275 pharmacy locations since January, andthey are currently available in Cincinnati, Lexington and Denver. Most pharmacylocations will have the kiosks by early 2013.
Walgreens will close 76 USADrug-affiliated stores by November as part of its acquisition of Stephen L.LaFrance Pharmacy. Walgreensannounced the LaFrance acquisition in July and expects it to be finalized inmid-September.

Mergers and Acquisitions:

Kinney Drugs wrapped up an acquisitionof four independent pharmacies in central New York and Vermont. The regionaldrug chain now operates a total of 94 drug stores in upstate New York andVermont with the addition of the new locations. Two of the acquired pharmacieswere converted and remerchandised and will operate under the Kinney Drugs name,while the other two pharmacies were closed and their prescription files andinventory transferred to neighboring Kinney locations.

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