9 Kasım 2012 Cuma


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2013 TEXAS 4-H AND YOUTH DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONSThe Texas 4-H and Youth Development Program and the Texas 4-H Youth Development Foundation is once again pleased to offer to our senior high school 4-H members and current college students the opportunity to apply for an Opportunity Scholarship through the Texas 4-H Program.  
The application and the instructions are separate documents for easier completion and direction.  The applicationform is being offered in Microsoft Word 97 edition.What is new for 2013:
  • Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo has increased the value of their scholarships from $16,000 to $18,000.
  • All grade point averages (GPA's) must be in a 100 point unweighted scale. 
Due dates and deadlines for 2013 Scholarship process are as follows:
November, 2012   Release of 2013 ApplicationNovember – JanuaryScholarship TrainingsNovember – December Applicant complete FAFSA and receive reportSet by County OfficeApplication due to County OfficeFebruary 8, 2013Applications due to District OfficeFebruary 22, 2013Applications due to State 4-H OfficeApril 12, 2013Interview selection notificationMay 10-12, 2013Interviews (Austin, TX)
June 10, 2013 Awards Program/Banquets (College Station, TX)

Requirements for the Baccalaureate, Technical, and Courageous Heart ScholarshipsAll applications MUST meet the minimum requirements/criteria to even be considered for judging (see guidelines for complete details).  Those applications not meeting the requirements should not be submitted to the county Extension Office and/or Agent.
Attached are the following documents4hscholarship_application_2013:Application for 4-H members to complete for Baccalaureate, Technical, and Courageous Heart scholarshipscollegiate4hscholarship_application_2013:Application for former 4-H members who are currently in college.youth_13_scholarship_instructions:Instructions for complete the Scholarship Applicationyouth_13_scholarship_examples:Examples of how to format scholarship application.
Please refer to the instructions for a complete and detailed list of the requirements, scoring values, and selection process.
All applications, instructions, and an on-line training module are available through the Texas 4-H and Youth Development website at http://texas4-h.tamu.edu (Get Involved -> Scholarships).  District 4-H Specialists can assist in multi-county scholarship training’s, please contact them immediately about their availability.
For more information, please contact Dr. Toby Lepley.

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