23 Haziran 2012 Cumartesi

A Bad Day

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I am in a very foul mood tonight. Don't you just love when you have stalkers who will not leave you alone? I love reading other people's blogs, but I have seen that some of them have stalkers and assholes who harass them too. So I know I'm not alone. It doesn't matter what horrible thing the person is going through and writing about. There is always some complete asshole who stalks their blog and leaves insensitive comments. What is wrong with those people? Seriously! Are they so inhuman that they can't see that the person is going through enough hell already? They must have some serious mental disorders. Why else would they do the things that they do? Since these people lack the basic human capacity to feel empathy, I wish there really was a God who would make these individuals have to go through the same things. Now that would be justice. Maybe then they would leave others alone. But then, probably not, because they aren't really human after all.

I am trying to hold in my anger over this person harassing me, but it is hard. You know how things always bother you more when you are sick? Well, I guess that is why I feel more bothered. I'm running a high fever, coughing up lots of mucous, and the lymph node on my arm is swollen to the size of a walnut. So no, I'm not feeling up to dealing with assholes.

The average lifespan for an American is 75 if male and 80 if female. Of course, anything can happen before that to shorten a person's life: murder, disease, vehicle accident, a freak accident... I can think of lots of ways. Even if a person is lucky enough to live into old age, it still isn't really any time at all. A human lifespan is extremely short and that time goes by much too quickly. So why do some humans think they can interfere with other people's lives and purposely harm others? Why can't they just leave others alone and live their own damn lives? Why are some humans so cruel to others? Why do those in the government feel they have to control people? Why do we even have governments? My god, we will only be here a short time. Our only purpose is to live, reproduce, and then die- just like every other living organism. It's that simple. But no! Humans have to make life complicated for themselves and others. Just simply living a life isn't good enough. God forbid being nice to others during that short time on Earth. That would be asking for too much. It's actually quite disgusting the way humans treat one another. And for what?

 As poor as my family has been, we have still managed to do nice things for others. I am a sucker for feeling bad for others in bad situations. I always want to help others. It would have been nice if I had more money, because I would have helped a lot more people. But then, have you noticed that it is always the people with less money who are more caring?

Do you know what else I don't understand about some Americans? Americans make a big show about sending money to other countries in need, but they are complete fucking assholes to those in need in their own country. Americans have no problem paying taxes to cover lying government assholes' every need, but they hate having to pay taxes to help the poor. Americans have a big problem with the Welfare system, with Disability, and with health care for everyone. They will send money to starving kids in other countries but they don't want to pay a penny to starving kids in America. They will spend thousands of dollars on their pet's teeth to get fixed, but god forbid their tax dollars go towards other humans. They don't mind that their tax dollars go to government officials' boozing and whoring, but god forbid if their tax dollars go to the poor. Why? Why do they think it is okay to pay for food, housing, medical care, transportation, lavish clothing, booze, whores, homosexual lovers, and toilet paper for those in the government who lie and take away more and more of our Rights in order to control us easier, but they can't stand for taxes to go towards the poor? ONE government official can receive $175,000 a year in salary alone. God only knows how much is actually spent on a single government official besides their salary. You can bet for damn sure they aren't eating dried beans for dinner. ONE welfare recipient can receive up to $2,400 a year in food only but usually it is much less. If they can somehow qualify for TANF it could be up to $6,000 a year for both combined, but most single people can not get it. A lot of families can not get TANF either. Medicaid is, for the most part, like having no insurance at all because doctors either don't take it or they can no longer take more patients. When they can see a doctor, Medicaid covers less and less so the person doesn't receive the same quality of medical care as others. A pet in America receives better health care. There is NO HOUSING assistance anymore. The poor have to pay the same amount for housing as everyone else. They have to pay the same amount in utilities as everyone else, well...actually more because the utility companies penalize those who are poor. The poor have to pay the same amount for transportation as everyone else, once again sometimes even more. It's okay to pay for a piece of shit government official but not a poor person. It makes no sense. This country is complete and utter shit to live in. If you are poor in this country, you are treated as less than human. I don't know what kind of fantasy world some Americans live in, but America is not "the land of opportunity" and quite a number of Americans do not get the fairytale ending of living happily ever after. Some of us have to deal with hardship after hardship with no end in sight, except death.

I wrote a huge college paper on welfare in America. There are so many Americans who believe all sorts of stupid lies about the system and spout off all kinds of ignorance against the poor. My family, as poor as we are, has never qualified for TANF. Yet people leave nasty comments all the time. Why? Because my children have Medicaid? When my husband had a managerial position at Kroger, we couldn't get insurance through Kroger. They came up with excuse after excuse to not cover us. At that time we couldn't even qualify for Medicaid, even though we didn't have enough income to cover the high costs of living in Richmond. So the kids had NO insurance when my husband worked. We have paid quite a bit in taxes over the years, so why shouldn't we try to get Medicaid coverage for our children when we are in need?

Some Americans don't know what it is like to live in poverty. If you are in the working poor, you are teetering on the edge. One bad thing can make you spiral down into extreme poverty and there is NOTHING in this country to help those back out. Once you plummet, there is no coming back. It is impossible. You are just trying to survive. Yet Americans seem to think there is some magical hand of the government to shower you with gobs of money. Totally untrue. They only help enough so you don't totally starve to death or you can go to the ER in an extreme emergency. But that is ALL.

To end my post, I'll tell you another reason why I had such a bad day. We received a certified letter from VDOT telling us that not only do they want to destroy the front yard and the septic field, but now they also want to do construction within our actual home. Isn't that nice? No peace. No escape anywhere. Strange, germ-filled people in my home. Can you imagine how disruptive this will be to the whole family?

I hope all of my readers who are empathetic and good people have a great weekend. As for the others... who gives a shit.

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