19 Haziran 2012 Salı

Some Americans Disappoint Me

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Some Americans disappoint me. Yes, there are some good ones out there but they seem to be the minority. Most Americans I have come across in my life are completely self-centered, greedy, and seem to be lacking the basic human ability to feel empathy. What is empathy? Empathy is the human brain's ability to understand and feel for others, whether or not they have gone through the same thing. When I had to take a psychological evaluation for court, the evaluator said that I had an enormous capacity to feel empathy towards others. The evaluator said that my ex-husband, on the other hand, had none and would not make a good parent. He is certainly not alone. He probably fits into society better than me because of his lack of feeling. You can see examples of Americans' coldness everywhere. Just take a look at the Internet. You can see the lack of empathy everywhere on it. No wonder so many other countries hate us. What the hell is wrong with this country? No wonder zombies are so popular here. Americans are like zombies. If you can not feel empathy, then you are inhuman. There is something seriously wrong with people who can not feel empathy. Doctors must think so too. That could be why anti-psychotic medications were some of the most commonly prescribed drugs in America the past few years. No, don't even try to bring up Autism. One of my sons is autistic, and while he may process things a little differently, he is still capable of feeling empathy.

Other Americans seem to think that everyone should: be fake, be liars, act falsely happy at all times, be brainlessly social, ignore others' problems, never help anyone in trouble out, never concern yourself with others unless they can do something for you, not raise your children yourself- let others do it, be completely blind to everything, never question anything, be completely selfish, put material possessions or cash as more important than other humans, never show real emotions (unless it is happiness), certainly never show anger, be politically correct in everything you say, always do as your told, never think for yourself, go along with everything because everyone else is too, ... I'm sure I can think of more. I guess most Americans think that everyone should just be happy, brainless robots.

It is disturbing. What will happen to the human race if there is no one left who can feel empathy?

But I'm sure the government loves those Americans. They never cause trouble because they are too stuck on themselves, have such a lack of empathy towards everyone else, and too blind to anything else that they don't even see what the government does.

Nathan is always asking me why I even care about wanting to make things better in this country when so many Americans just don't give a shit about anyone else. He has totally lost faith in others. While I'm disappointed, I try to think about those people who have been kind to me over the years and I think about my children. I think of the readers who have left kind and inspiring comments. There are others out there who can feel and be caring, even if it is the minority. So I want things to be better for them. Of course I want my children to have a better future than what is currently available because I love them with all my heart. When I write my posts here I hope that others, who may be going through similar bad things, will read them and feel strengthened and not so alone. I hope that some readers will see what is going on and be inspired to fight for a real change. I hope that readers will look at those less financially fortunate and realize we are humans too. I am trying to allow my readers to step into other people's shoes and think of how we can do better for everyone. But it does bother me that there are so many people who lack empathy.

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