19 Haziran 2012 Salı

Problem After Problem

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We've been busy around here. Birthday season is in full swing. End-of-year school tests have been ordered. I made the cutest little summer reading totes for my children, complete with goodies for them (books included of course). Doctor appointments to go to. Immunization updates had to get done. Vegetables had to be planted. Plus I have been working on some things for a new blog, which has nothing in common with this one. Father's Day is coming up. Oh, and only 12 days until the Starhawk tournament begins. Nathan is practicing with his team now as I write. Of course, this is in addition to all of the everyday chores we have to do.

And on top of that, some mysterious flu-like illness is creeping slowly through the family. Symptoms are: high fever, severe body aches, extreme nausea, severe headache, non-productive cough, cold chills, upper and lower respiratory congestion. My oldest daughter and I have had it the longest (a week so far) and we are still ill. I tried to look up what's going around, but the government sites stop tracking influenza at the end of May. Isn't that stupid? All I could pull up for my area was mono (which this isn't) and local hospitals reporting "unusual pneumonia cases." They had a link on the news station telling people to get checked out if they are experiencing fever, shortness of breath, and coughing. No one has bothered to look into these cases to see what exactly is causing the pneumonia? Why does the government stop tracking influenza at the end of May? Certain strains do still circulate during the summer months. The H1N1 strains are notorious for continuing to circulate "out of season." Whether virus or bacteria, it would be nice to know what this is. There needs to be a better system set up to track contagious diseases. One that requires testing for suspected cases, instead of just labeling it ILI (Influenza-Like Illness). We need to keep track of the diseases going around. Also, the system needs to be easily accessible by the public so that we can be informed. But of course, we would also need a better health care system.

My oldest son was in a bad car accident. Thankfully he is alive. It has been one of my fears. What young man doesn't like to speed or drive dangerously? Plus young adults are easily distracted. And of course they never listen to their parents who love them and are concerned for their safety. I've worried about him being in an accident, and it happened. The odds were against him. He has no health insurance either. He lost it when he lost his job. He hasn't been able to find other employment. This certainly isn't a good start to adulthood. I love my son and I really want for him to have a better life than I have had.

I actually got a response from the Governor's office, not McDonnell himself (he is too busy with his nomination for future vice president) but his staff, about my oldest daughter's medical insurance problems. They looked into it and actually got it straightened out, at least for now. Can you believe it? His office actually did something worthwhile to help out a citizen. They found out that DCSE was not doing their job. They were telling the social worker that the absent father had insurance when he did not. He had insurance from February 28th until March 12th. He was terminated from his job then and lost the insurance coverage. I knew he couldn't possibly have insurance when we weren't receiving any child support. DCSE knew he'd lost his job. They knew the insurance was canceled. Yet they told the social worker and me continuously that he did still have insurance. Jackasses. They caused us a lot of problems. The Governor's office said all her unpaid medical bills would be covered by Medicaid. We'll see. At least she can now go to her appointment for the kidney reflux test.

Last week we had to take two of our younger sons to the doctor for immunizations. When we came out of the office, the van refused to start. Nathan had to end up asking someone to give our van a jump-start. Thankfully we made it home OK. I reminded Nathan that the battery and alternator are almost 5 years old now, and they don't last forever. As of now, it just seems like the battery. Another chunk of money. Of course, there are a ton of other things wrong with that P.O.S. Ford van. We are always having to replace brake fluid yet we can not find a leak. The brakes are otherwise fine. The wheel bearing is still awaiting a replacement which my father has been carrying around in his vehicle for months. The transmission still acts up sporadically. The lights and door ajar alarm have always acted up. The motors burned out in the rear windows, thankfully while in the closed position. The van sputters after it rains now. Again we can not find anything wrong. It has always given us difficulty when locking the doors. This is just what is currently wrong. I could be forgetting something. We are always having to fix something on it. More money has been sunk into fixing that van than anything else. Thanks Ford for making such a shitty product!

Well, this is why I haven't posted in a while. Our lives are never uneventful. I have a new post planned for tomorrow. It will be full of pictures. So make sure you check back:)

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